Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 19: Manufacturing the Two-Party Cult
While most progressives were caught up in this Tavistock-driven campaign of inversion, many conservatives eagerly jumped onto the QAnon bandwagon. QAnon is an extremely sophisticated intelligence operation being carried out by QinetiQ, a British defense technology firm. All these “Qs” likely stand for “Queen”, who until her death in 2022, held the golden share in QinetiQ.
QinetiQ was launched in 2001 after British Defense Secretary Lewis Moonie privatized the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency. In 2003, the Carlyle Group took a 33% stake in the firm, but the monarchy maintains its golden share. The shady Carlyle Group, where President Bush Sr. and Sharif bin Laden alike had worked, is the world’s largest private equity firm with over $400 billion in assets. It is also one of the world’s largest defense contractors.
The Crown’s DARPA social media contractors pushed disinformation out to both “sides” and America was soon on the verge of a civil war as the two Crown-manipulated cults warred with with one another. Of course, they didn’t understand that their respective gurus were being handled by the same ancient bloodline.
In 2020, Senator Bernie Sanders again ran in the Democratic primary, garnering a similar groundswell of support. Again he was shut down by the corporate media just when it looked like he might win the nomination. Instead, the Crown marched out Obama’s former Vice-President and long-time Delaware Senator Joe Biden to carry their agenda across the finish line.
Trump had divided the country like never before. Now they needed a compliant, or better yet, senile old man to preside over millions of vaccine deaths in his role as global hospice manager. And to serve as the frontman for their escalating attacks on Russia.
Biden descends from British and Irish lineage. Both William and Christopher Biden had been officers with the British East India Company. His state of Delaware had served as a quasi-offshore banking locale for tax-dodging Crown corporations for decades. While Obama’s Vice President in 2016, Biden pressured newly installed Ukrainian President and chocolate billionaire, Petro Poroshenko, to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor who was looking into the illegal activities of Burisma, a natural gas firm in which Joe’s son Hunter Biden was deeply involved. These activities allegedly included the construction of secret bio-weapons research labs in Ukraine.
Biden predictably chose California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. She is a descendant of Jamaican slave owner Hamilton Brown. Her husband, and now second gentleman of the United States, Doug Emhoff, was a partner at DLA Piper, the Crown’s law firm in the US. He recently made his first public speech. It was well-televised and warned of a growing wave of anti-Semitism in the US. Emhoff claims Jewish heritage, but remember, anti-Semitism is not opposition to Jews or Israel. It is opposition to those who spoke a family of languages that suddenly appeared in the Middle East 8,500 years ago, at the exact same time as the Anunnaki intervention.
Amidst a swirl of election irregularities involving the voting machines of Lord Mark Malloch-Brown’s Smartmatic and Dominion Resources, Biden won the election. On January 6, 2021, a well-organized crowd stormed the US Capitol. It was later revealed that many of its leaders were FBI informants. The event served to cement the divisions between the two arms of the Crown cult – Democrat and Republican. It also provided a new class of “domestic terrorists” going forward, ensuring a boom in contracts at Homeland Security.
The Biden Administration was quickly staffed with BlackRock alumni. With over $10 trillion under management, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager. It is owned by the privately-held Vanguard. These two companies, which are actually one company, are the top two shareholders of nearly every single Fortune 500 corporation.
Vanguard and BlackRock are major repositories for Crown wealth, as the bloodline increasingly leans on private equity firms to conceal whatever wealth they are not holding in City of London/Bank of England offshore accounts. State Street Capital and Fidelity Management Resources (FMR) are also powerful Crown-controlled investment firms, nearly always appearing in the top five shareholders of Fortune 500 firms.
BlackRock was founded in 1988 from an initial investment by the Blackstone Group, which had just picked up numerous bankrupt Savings & Loans on the cheap following the CIA and mob-engineered S&L crisis. The names of these two firms are instructive. BlackRock was contracted by the US government to sort out the carnage after the 2008 financial meltdown that left AIG and Bear Stearns bankrupt. Their plan included handing Merrill Lynch over to Bank of America, Lehman Brothers to Barclays, Bear Stearns to JP Morgan Chase, and Wachovia to Wells Fargo. This resulted in the nation’s twelve largest banks now controlling 70% of all bank assets.
Even before he made it to the White House, Biden’s chief political strategist during his 2020 campaign had been Michael Donilan, whose brother Tom ran BlackRock’s political think tank. Once Biden was elected, the BlackRock floodgate opened.
BlackRock executive Brian Deese would come to head Biden’s National Economic Council. BlackRock founder and insider Larry Fink would become Biden’s top economic advisor. BlackRock senior advisor Wally Adeyemo would become Deputy Treasury Secretary and BlackRock executive Michael Pyle would become the top economic advisor to Vice-President Kamala Harris. On December 14, 2022, Adeyemo was elevated to replace Fink as Biden’s top economic advisor.
Chief among Adeyemo’s tasks would be to advance the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) agenda that had originated at BlackRock, Vanguard, and Goldman Sachs.
The Crown knew full well that the actual “woke” people were the ones who had already turned “Rothschild” into a dirty word, as they helped others remember what had happened to humanity and the earth throughout recent history.
Now, using another rhetorical sacred science inversion, they would ascribe the term “woke” to the burgeoning ranks of technological zombies, who were dutifully carrying their cell phones (ankle bracelets) everywhere they went, enabling these unwitting Crown minions to pummel truth-tellers caught in the worldwide web who didn’t agree with the new BlackRock ESG social credit system. All the while these “woke” zombies were creating an environmental catastrophe as growing numbers of Amazon trucks ate up the pavement in order to satiate their never-quenched appetite for “woke” acquisition.
In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
Lest we forget, Sanders was in lockstep with fear mongering, globalist, scamdemic policies; face masks, lockdowns, business and church closures, mask mandates, jab mandates and so on. He took the jabs and told people to take them. He's cut from the same cloth as the rest of his cronies.
Thanks for the restacks Tisha, Fel, Laura, Jana, Marie & Tracy!