Richie is joined by the brilliant journalist and author Dean Henderson. Dean is full of praise for Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, for standing up for free speech in the wake of days of vicious attacks from the US media. Omar had the courage to shine a light on the nefarious influence of the Israeli lobby in Washington D.C. Dean also laments the demise of the US anti-war movement. As neocon nutters like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo plot to overthrow Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, Dean explains how "George Soros has dismantled any semblance of a real anti-war pro-union left in the US and replaced it with yet more neoliberal consensus-driven cyborgs who rant and rave about gun control, transgender nonsense, #MeToo victimhood and all manner of divisive garble." Plus much more.
Richie Allen has been a great friend and ardent supporter for many years. He is a fantastic host of one of the best independent radio shows on the air today! The BBG can be heard daily broadcasting The Richie Allen Show from the Great City of Salford, UK. Listen to the Richie Allen Show live!
Dean’s interview starts at roughly 55:00 minutes into the broadcast.
Dean Henderson | The Fake Left Psyop | The Richie Allen Show
Podcast Page Link
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
Richie Allen is fantastic, introduced me to many amazing people, including you Dean