Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 15: Crown Deception Becomes Public Perception
In Guatemala, it was the United Fruit Company, where workers rose up on its plantations and elected leftist Jacobo Arbenz as president of the country. By 1954, the CIA had organized a coup to depose him.
A year earlier in 1953, the CIA and MI-6 overthrew the Iranian government of Mohammed Mosssadegh after he threatened to nationalize the Crown’s British Petroleum interests. In 1973, leftist Chilean President Salvador Allende was overthrown by Crown-agent and Rockefeller lieutenant Henry Kissinger and the CIA. General Augusto Pinochet was installed as a dictator to protect Rockefeller’s Anaconda Copper interests.
The CIA’s greatest hits list is long and continues apace to this day. In 2009, the CIA ousted leftist Honduran President Manuel Zelaya in a coup. In 2013, they poisoned socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, whose country sits on the Western Hemisphere’s largest oil deposits. One year later in 2014, they orchestrated the incident on Kiev’s Maidan Square that led to the ouster of pro-Russian and democratically-elected President Victor Yanukovych.
In 2019, the CIA forced Bolivian President Evo Morales to resign after his Movement for Socialism Party threatened Crown natural gas interests. And in 2022, they ousted leftist Peruvian President Pedro Castillo after his Minister of Foreign Affairs Hector Bejar announced that Peru would no longer go along with US-led sanctions aimed at Venezuela. Bejar proclaimed that it was the CIA that had created the “far-left” Shining Path in Peru in the 1980s in order to counter the genuinely leftist Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement.
Deception is the very basis of intelligence work and recently, with help from the Open Society Foundation – run first by George Soros and currently by Lord Mark Malloch Brown – their tactics have become even more deceiving. Working closely with the National Endowment for Democracy and other Crown-funded NGO contractors, the CIA learned to market their interventions with names like Arab Spring (Tunisia and Egypt), the Rose Revolution (Georgia), the Cedar Revolution (Lebanon), and the Orange Revolution (Ukraine).
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown’s previous position was as Chairman of the Board of Smartmatic, the world’s largest voting technology firm. He also chaired the Royal African Society. The Toronto-based Dominion Voting Systems is also controlled by the Crown through Commonwealth henchmen in Canada. Both companies came under scrutiny after the 2020 US Presidential elections. Had Crown trickery and deception reached a level where they were actually electronically-rigging voting machines worldwide?
Soros is a long-time Rothschild lieutenant, who manages the Crown’s offshore investments. The Quantum NV fund based in Curacao is one of the most important of these. Both Soros and Malloch-Brown are leaders of the World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, who recently received the Spear of Destiny from the Habsburgs. This is the vehicle through which the Crown promotes its trans-humanist Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset.
But at the apex of the Crown’s deception are their subsidiary media outlets. These “mediums” or “channels” are designed to send out a “newscast” that consists of a pack of convoluted lies designed to keep the viewer in a sort of trance, with the emphasis on cultivating a the dark view of human nature and support for the demonic Crown system.
When CIA Director William Colby was questioned by the Church Committee in 1974 as to extent of Operation Mockingbird – a program through which the CIA infiltrated major media corporations – he replied, “That is something we will have to look at in closed session”. The number of media personalities who are on the CIA payroll is far greater than we think.
In the best-case scenario, these news “anchors” are simply handed a script to read from the Associated Press, which in turn gets its wire stories from the intelligence agencies. The Crown’s Tavistock Institute for Human Behavior has been crucial in the Privy Council’s understanding of how certain stories and ways of delivering or “spinning” them affects the general population.
Both intelligence and media assets are recruited from bloodline families and their secret societies. CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, for example, hales from the Vanderbilt family. NBC is part of the Crown agent General Electric conglomerate. CBS is controlled by Crown agent Westinghouse Corporation, which controls a big chunk of the UK Nuclear Weapons establishment along with Lockheed Martin and SERCO. Fox News is owned by Zionist Rupert Murdoch and Saudi Crown Prince Alaweed bin Talal. CNN is owned by the Crown’s Atlantic Telephone & Telegraph, which you know as AT&T. And ABC is run by the Disney Corporation.
The US Council on Foreign Relations – a subsidiary of the Chatham House-based Royal Institute of International Affairs – is a major recruiting ground for media, intelligence, and banking assets. Sons and daughters of high-ranking Freemasons are recruited in this way, as are members of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and Yale fraternities and secret societies.
In summation, what the royal Anunnaki bloodline had learned was, as Hitler propaganda minister Josef Mengele said, “The bigger the lie, the easier it is to convince people that it is true.” He also said, “The more we do to you, the less you seem to think we are doing it.”
By refining the propaganda and repeating it more forcefully and more often, the Crown would be able to dial down the overwhelming military force and outright slavery, focusing instead on the hearts and minds of the people. The advent of television, which interestingly coincided with a bad round of “Asian flu” across America, along with a series of cybernetic studies culminating in the infamous CIA MK-Ultra program, paved the way for the next frontier of fifth generation (5G) weaponry capable of targeting individuals, groups, and entire populations with mind controlling radio frequencies.
In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
I mentioned your Wetiko book on Shabnam Palesa Mohamed's substack 6/2/24. A discussion on the Constitution and the innate value of human beings that it was intended to protect.
Minor spelling changes, it's still Moloch.