Excerpted from my book, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse, Conclusion
Thank you for reading this book. The solution to the abominations I have described herein is simply a widespread awareness of the true history of the enslavement of mankind. Once enough people acknowledge and began talking about this crazy and bitter truth, we can begin the process of liberating ourselves and our planet from these hybrid Crown Nephilim royals.
In the final analysis, it is up to us to summon up the courage to spread this truth to family, friends and our communities. It is also up to us to decide whether the “convenience” of computers and “smart” technology is worth the outcomes they are producing. After reading this book and understanding who is behind this fourth industrial revolution, I hope you will answer with a forceful, “No”.
It's difficult to even keep up with all the latest smart gadgets such as Fit Bit, Sleep Tracker and Alexa that are transforming our lives, diminishing our mental and emotional capacities, shortening our attention spans and making us dependent on electronic frequencies that are sterilizing, sickening and killing us.
They key to human survival in this epoch will be to stay wild. That doesn't mean what the Luciferians want you to think it means – drunkenness, fornication and lack of self-control. That derives from domestication and exposure to Royal Society horseshit.
Wild means pure and untainted- the true meaning of alpha. It means to be leery and suspicious of civilization with your aura shield up and your pineal gland bullshit detector on full power. It means getting in tune with your natural instincts and with nature itself, which has always provided what mankind needed to survive and always will. The Great Spirit created plants, animals and humans as perfect beings which were meant to exist in symbiotic harmony. This is the Good Red Road which will save us. It is a good day to die. Hoka Hey!
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
Thanks for the restack Music Man!
Ray Kurzweil said last week he expects the “singularity” to be complete by 2029 .. right in time for Agenda 2030