Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 21: COVID-19 and The Great Reset
By December 2022, the Pirbright Institute-patented coronavirus had killed 6.7 million people worldwide. Meanwhile, global economies were devastated by draconian government lockdowns as planned by Operation Lockstep and Event 201. Though markets initially swooned, a major stock market crash was avoided as small businesses shut down while “essential” Crown corporation businesses stayed open. An even greater consolidation of wealth was underway.
But this Great Reset was only partially economic in nature. The major component was depopulation. Crown pharmaceutical firms now jostled for position as President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed relaxed regulations and liability for vaccine makers who would now combat the Pirbright’s Crown venom with never-before-used mRNA vaccines. As of now, the public sector has no idea what these concoctions are made of. But it is clear that tens of thousands of people have already died from this additional dose of Crown poison.
There appears to be graphite in these bio-weapon shots. Graphite is extremely conductive and some think these shots will sync the people who get them with the ever-expanding 5G network, quite literally creating millions of human antennas to power the Crown Castle-built 5G system. Others think both the “virus” and the shots may consist of snake venom from the king cobra and the Chinese crate. This would give a whole new meaning to Crown venom. Interestingly, it would also add a physiological component to the initiation process whereby humans are not only being mind-controlled but possibly being genetically altered into the reptilian Anunnaki cult, as well.
Pfizer, Moderna, and EcoHealth Alliance partner Johnson & Johnson won the initial US vaccine sweepstakes. In 2002, the Gates Foundation purchased a large block of Pfizer stock. In 2013, Moderna, which works closely with the Crown’s AstraZeneca, was awarded a $25 million grant by DARPA to develop mRNA vaccines.
Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb served as head of sales, shilling as a doctor before the corporate media while pushing his Pfizer stock higher. Gottlieb is also a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former FDA Commissioner.
There was a systematic dumping of COVID-19 patients into otherwise perfectly healthy nursing homes. The eugenicists wanted to kill the weak and the sick. The bankers wanted to kill the creditors. The elderly, now retired and owed the social security and health care they had been paying into, fit both categories. The bloodline also realizes that elderly people, who were alive before the DARPA net was cast, are more suspicious of their ongoing Future Shock or Great Reset.
The coordinated government lockdowns also stunted the education of a whole generation of young children that were forced onto the DARPA net for instruction. People were also forced onto computers to shop and to work from home, as the big tech companies and their intelligence agency controllers attempted to bring in their cloud-based Fourth Industrial Revolution. Human batteries were being brought online to power the new electronic feudalism.
But the people continued to remember. By March 2022, people around the world finally stood up to the draconian lockdowns and vaccine mandates that their governments had unanimously imposed. Just as Covert Identification 2019 was being forced to an end by recalcitrant Canadian truckers, Russian troops invaded Ukraine to finally avenge the 2014 overthrow of the pro-Moscow Yanukovych government.
The new Ukrainian President was former movie star Volodymyr Zelenskyy. His movie and political career had been funded by Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, whose Private Group controlled energy, steel, and chemical industries in Ukraine, Russia, the EU, Georgia, and Ghana. He was also the main shareholder at Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas firm that was paying Hunter Biden exorbitant “consulting fees” and funding secret US bio-weapons labs in Ukraine. Kolomoyskyi had been banned from entering the United States in 2021, a year before Russia invaded Ukraine.
The US had been training Ukrainian paramilitary groups in Ukraine since 2014. Many have ties to the far-right pro-Nazi political parties Svoboda and Right Sector, including the Azov Battalion and the Kraken Regiment. These CIA-trained paramilitaries, funded in part by Kolomoyski, had been harassing and murdering Russian-speaking people in Eastern Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin cited these attacks as the reason for his March 2022 invasion.
The US and their Royal Services Institute spokesmen immediately denounced Russia’s move and announced a round of economic sanctions. These sanctions, while aimed at Russia, had a boomerang effect on Western economies, as oil markets skyrocketed, fertilizer shortages curbed global food production, and inflation set in around the world.
While Zelensky set about banning opposition political parties, media outlets, and even the Russian Orthodox Church; he was sold as a freedom-fighting Fauci-like saint by the fawning corporate media and Democratic politicians, who had been primed to be the new warmongers by the Trump/Russiagate psyop.
The greedy bloodline cartels raised prices at will. The Crown’s oil giants rang up record profits. Chevron quadrupled its profits in the 1st quarter of 2022 to the highest it had seen for ten years. Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin rewarded his former employer Raytheon with fat contracts to send Ukraine anti-missile defense systems. The Bretton Woods-backed US dollar strengthened. And people around the world, especially in the global South, scrambled to afford even basic food to eat. Famines began in Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Somalia, paving the way for yet more human depopulation. It was all part of the Great Reset.
In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
The name of the cult is the Luciferian Brotherhood. In this interview from last year, Jessie Czebotar gives a detailed explanation of its structure.
Jessie was trained (tortured) by Nazi criminal Michael Karkoc. She was trained, along with Elon Musk and a Rothschild boy, for remote viewing for the CIA. She has been to their underground cities and DUMBs and opened and used their portals. She can decode any coat of arms, explaining authorities (e.g. over the Sovereign Military of the Knights Templar, a supranational army that includes NATO), jurisdictions (e.g. Western Quadrant of U.S.), spiritual abilities and contracts (e.g. with Lucifer).
Anunnaki is the name of the original race of people from Sirius A. Like many races, there are periodic ascensions of evolved souls, and sometimes the whole planet ascends. Those who are not ready to ascend, or, in some cases, who are impeding a global ascension with their low vibration, are often sent off to colonize another planet in the 3rd density. These would be called Anunnaki, with another identifying name following it.
Earth's novel race was nurtured over 400,000 years by evolved Anunnaki (see Forgotten Genesis, by Radu Cinamar). Earth has also been visited by an offshoot race of Anunnaki living in the Orion constellation. Like the Sirians, they are master geneticists, but they are also slavers. I hope this explanation clears up the confusion.