Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 5: The Unholy Roman Empire
In 1139, Pope Innocent II issued a papal bull known as Omne datum optimum, which translates as “every perfect gift”. This gave “God’s” approval to the actions of the Knights Templar. These actions included borrowing money to pilgrims who then paid them that same money back with interest in return for a guarantee of safe passage to the holy land.
Soon, the Templars were involved with all kinds of activities involving what we now call banking. In fact, the Templars can be seen as the founders of the very concept of banking. But they acted more like what we would call a mafia. They issued loans and collected those debts by whatever means necessary. They robbed any non-Christian they encountered and looted numerous valuable artifacts from the holy land, including the fabled Arc of the Covenant, which appears to have been some sort of high-technology free energy device. The Templars went to war with the Saracen Muslims in the Middle East and stole a large amount of gold which they began to store, along with their other ill-gotten wealth, at their Temple Mount headquarters.
It was no coincidence that the headquarters of the Templars was in a wing of the royal palace on the Temple Mount. After the Roman Army and the Franks had defeated the Fatimid Caliphate in 1099, they took over the Al-Aqsa Mosque and made it the home of King Baldwin II, instead. It is quite likely that, not only was the Temple Mount never built in ancient times, it was also never re-built because the royals actually stole the Al-Aqsa Mosque and became squatters.
This blows away the entire legend of Solomon’s Temple, upon which the Knights Templar and their Freemason brethren rely on in order to amplify their self-importance to the rest of the world. Were they capable of building anything at all? They didn’t need to. Better to let someone else build it and then kill the builders and take their property.
Whatever the case may be, King Solomon, King David, King Nebuchadnezzar, and King Baldwin II were all bloodline butchers who most certainly were not Christian in any way.
Throughout the various crusades, the Templars worked alongside the Knights Hospitaller and the Teutonic Knights to conquer the Middle East for the bloodline families that all three worked for. In 1229, during the 6th crusade, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II reclaimed Jerusalem. But by 1244, the city was back in the hands of the Ayyubid dynasty, another royal bloodline. Much of their territory was then overrun by the Mongols under the command of yet another bloodline inbred named Genghis Khan.
The European-based bloodlines would not control Jerusalem again until they took it from the Ottoman Empire during WWI. And while the Order of the Knights Templar had officially lost the crusades, they had amassed a huge amount of wealth for the Holy Roman Emperor bloodline in the process. They had not only become the world’s first bankers, but also the world’s first multinational corporation.
Then, on Friday the 13th, October 1307, King Phillip IV of France, with the blessing of the new Pope, Clement V, ordered the arrest of Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay and several other top ranking Knights Templar. American Freemasons honor de Molay to this day with their de Molay Society for children. The king and the pope tried to get the Templars and the Knights Hospitaller to merge, but neither wanted to do. It was also said that King Phillip owed the Templars a bunch of money.
The Templars were accused of numerous crimes including financial corruption, fraud, theft, worshiping idols (including Baphomet), and encouraging homosexuality, necromancy, and spitting on Jesus on the cross.
De Molay was burned at the stake and on November 22, 1307, Pope Clement issued Pastoralis Praeeminentiae, a papal bull instructing all Christian monarchs in Europe to seize the assets of the Order. This was followed by another bull that Pope Clement issued in 1312 at the Council of Vienne, which conveniently awarded most of the vast Templar wealth to the Knights Hospitaller, also known as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.
So while the Templars were officially disbanded on that now-famous and very unlucky Friday the 13th, the royal bloodline’s mercenary/banker knights simply continued to carry out their skullduggery under a different name. Today, the Knights of St. John are headquartered in Valletta on the island of Malta. They are known as the Protestant faction of the royal guard, while the Catholic faction is known as the Knights of Malta.
In 1530, Pope Clement VII, who was himself a knight, struck a deal with Holy Roman Emperor Charles V who was also King of Spain and Sicily. This provided a permanent location for the Catholic knights on the island of Malta – right next to their Protestant Hospitaller brethren.
The 15th century brought significant advances in shipbuilding. From their base in Malta, both factions of Knights set out further afield to loot the parts of the world they hadn’t already for the benefit of the Anunnaki Crown. The Knights Hospitaller occupied and controlled at least four Caribbean islands by 1600. Fabled explorers such as Columbus, Cortez, and Vespucci were all funded by the Crown.
Meanwhile, back in Europe, the royal bloodline that dispatched the knights had figured out that other islands and coastal cities could be used just like Malta to protect their wealth from the commoners who had no ships. Venice became a major banking center when, in 1587, the Republic of Venice launched its first public bank, Banco della Piazza di Rialto.
Many new science researchers have also identified the Bank of Venice, which they say was launched in the 12th century, making it the first bank in the world. This makes sense, because after the Templar rift with the Roman Catholic church, many of the Black Nobility fled to northern Italy, particularly Venice, and started banks with their ill-gotten gains. Genoa and Florence also became banking centers.
It is likely that the most powerful of these bloodline families were the Guistiniani clan. Another was the Bardi family, from which Queen Elizabeth II came. The di Medici, Lombard, Corsi, Cerchi, Massa, Candia, Foscari, Pallavicini, Fugger, and Welser families were also powerful Venetian bankers. All of these clans were related through the same royal bloodline.
Lest you think these families have faded into oblivion, as the Crown “scientists” would have you believe, they have not. Out of the Candias came the chocolate billionaire Mars family, and from the Welsers came the Wells family of Wells Fargo fame, as well as the Wellesley family. The Massas became the Massimo family. Obviously, it is common for these bloodline families to change their names slightly in order to throw off diligent researchers.
Today, Baron Girolamo de Massa is a powerful co-owner of Wells Fargo. Prince Hubertus Fugger-Babenhausen heads today’s Fugger family. Alessandro Guistiniani has recently been both a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund and a Bank of Italy insider. Bank of America was formerly known as the Bank of Italy. The Pallavicinis’ are related to both the British Cromwell family and the Shah of Iran. Alfonso Pallavicini was a top executive at BNP Paribas, which is now the largest bank in the world.
It was during these early days of Venetian banking that the concept of fascism developed. The idea was that these bloodline families would unite to protect each other’s wealth under the threat of force. This immense private wealth would then merge with the state – in this case, the Holy Roman Empire – and the state would carry out policies that favored the bloodline families. Again, it is no coincidence that Mussolini’s rise to power in Italy was funded by the Savoy family, who were the monarchy in Italy until it was “officially” dissolved.
Venice had its heyday, but it was another island that was destined to become even more powerful and central to the royal bloodline interests. They would call it, quite appropriately, the United Kingdom.
In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
I've just received your book in the mail, Dean. I'll certainly be writing about it in the future. I have a draft episode called The Wholly Roaming Empire, showing how religion gave cover to an imperial diaspora with loyalties that superseded nationality.
Did 'candy' come from the Candias family that became the child slave cocoa plantation exploiters of the Mars family? And interesting that Wells Fargo led the mortgage fraud of 2008 with robo-signers stamping out predatory loans by the thousands. I love your use of 'bloodline' to categorize the seeming competition within the assumption that they retain power over everything.
Pardon me for distinguishing King David. If he butchered anyone, it could have been the progeny of the pre-flood slave Empires, the Nephilim and Rephaim, all those tribes with "ites" -- hybrid bad angels + humans. Deut.2: 11-12+.
Those latter wanted to co-opt the covenant of God to give the earth to the human species. The only way the jealous watcher angels if Mt.Hermon could but-in on owning the earth was to marry into the human species. God follows his own covenants. He is not a liar, like devolved mankind.
And now, as the human species nears the end (even God has limits; the human race seems to prefer copycatting the fallen angels, "gods" of the pantheons. No rules. No sin, they comveniently argue, while complaining about crime.