One day soon enough, ill buy your book and find out i have read most of it already 😎

If this was in history classes the world would be different maybe 👨🏼‍🎓

I appreciate the work and effort to share the info with everyone 👍

Question, since you did some teaching around the world, could you lecture about this in class? Or you are always silenced about these subject in public space? It will bring me hope to know your worthfull info are also in lots of young freshmen out of study, scattered around the world 🌍🌎

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Did a tour once in Germany about it, and some adult ed stuff in US, but of course largely unwelcome in the bastions of "Western intellectualism"...

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Well of course you were unwelcome. Your ability to lay down impenetrable data and history of the "players" destroys the narrative and displays the political machinations and motives of power. I wish you had been my prof @university---my thirst for answers would have found a model most satisfying.

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Sylvie Ivanova call them ("Western Intellectuals") "Penguins", lol.

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thank jew very much. dean you have done us a great service by compiling so much info and sharing it in such a condensed straightforward fashion. nobody could accuse you of being an antisemite, but when i rephrase the info they definitely will accuse me hahahahaha. hopefully all of this information will trickle up and down and something good will happen.

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Wow. Well done. Very well done. Thank you.

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Dean - My thoughts are that they CAN NOT audit the Federal Reserve because the Federal Reserve is NOT a US institution. Ron Paul wouldn't know this? Moskowitz wouldn't know this? IF they say they are auditing them, then you know its all bullsheet too. You can't audit something that is not yours to audit.

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CON-ARTISTS (GAS-LIGHT) part 1: Make up a bunch of SEE-EYE-EH cover stories of wasteful spending of completely ridiculous scenarios to piss people off (most of which never happened)

CON-ARTISTS (GAS-LIGHT) part 2: Pretend via your front-men that don't make any real decisions (Moskowitz and Trumpite) that you will clean up all this bogus spending.

PROOF OF CON: Will you see anyone arrested for any of this? Will they have some fake court trial to dupe the public into thinking the swamp is in trouble (like Trumpite's fake trial)?

RESULT OF CON: Fooling the people that "they" the guvahmint are cleaning up all these messes and at the same time use AI to find/scrutinize every nickel (can't be pennies now) of your taxes. A more efficient theft process against YOU. Fool the suckers more by giving them 5k hand-out from all this money they were efficient in saving (but this money will in reality only be printed out from the Federal Reserve Offshore Talmud Banking Cartel). The 5K will make people LOVE their masters (the guvahmint) again and they will gain trust in them again.

QUESTION FOR CON-ARTISTS: Will Moskowitz be DOGE-ING NASA (ASAN) or SPACEX? You don't have the "tech" to make it back to the moon so how can you make it to Mars? Shouldn't your con-artist ASAN department be completely defunded? Hell, you could atleast "lie" to the people and keep funding that racket but tell the people you aren't anymore. Let's see Mars Mosokwitz. LOL! Yeah right!

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