Thanks for the restacks Andreas, Tracy, Moonshine, Klaus, Rich & Frances!

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Absolute greed big fat healthy ego's and no regard for any other living creature!

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Yet, the focus was on her massive shoe collection! Shame on you Emelda, Emilo and the rest of the apple dumpling gang - Shame on you!!!

Great article Dean - Blessings ~

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Why shule - Er Ah, I meant, sure.

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Thanks for that history lesson Dean - for those of us too young to remember the web of corruption that led to the Iran Hostage crisis.

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War has a lot of draw backs. One of them being, it causes a shortage of men of marrying age. Gone to flowers everyone. You can still see it in Iranian demographics. A large number of men who would be today anywhere from 60 to 75 years old are simply not present. They went missing 40 years ago.

Iranians have had their territories invaded so many times, they rate the invasions. Anywhere from, "that was awful" to "at least the Mongols gave us forks".

: )

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Happens that in 1976 - 80 I was at Syracuse University.. there were a lot of Persian students -consequently I had many Iranian friends, from who I learned a lot about Iran. For instance, after the USA's puppet Shah Reza Pahlaveh was installed, (after we deposed Mosadegh, who was not obeying our business demands), the Western oil companies came in and claimed Iranian oil fields, and the CIA came in and trained the Savaak, the Shah's brutal secret police. I saw PHOTOS from their Iranian periodicals of the 'treatment' inflicted by these 'security police' on the population - For example - a man tied to a tree with one arm, the other arm tied to a truck.. after which the truck drove off.. Iran has never invaded the USA (Or any other nation in the last 300 years for that matter) but the USA invaded Iran in 1953 and the nation has never been the same.

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Enough already!!! Thank you, Dean,

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