Dean and Regis, along Blaz Kavcic and Bruce Gagnon take a weekly whack at the Global Oligarchy. Topics include the Hopi Apocalypse, technocracy, transhumanism, humanity, Mother Earth, and much more.discuss current events and take a whack at the global oligarchy. Topics include the Hopi Apocalypse, technocracy, transhumanism, humanity, Mother Earth, and much more.
You can find more great videos by Regis Tremblay: Dateline: News & Conversation at Bitchute, YouTube, and Rumble.
Episode Description
Dean Henderson, Bruce Gagnon, Blaz Kavcic join me to discuss the Hopi Apocalypse and how technocracy and transhumanism are threatening our basic humanity and our connection with each other and Mother Earth.
Dean Henderson and Bruce Gagnon have deep roots with the Lakota Sioux, and I have four years working with the Hopi in Northern Arizona. Blaz Kavcic joins us. We will discuss how development materialism, the dollar have distanced us from nature and each other. The "Original Peoples" all have very similar stories of creation, the "Creator" and prophecies. If we don't listen to them, we may not survive as humans in this technocratic, transhumanistic new world order.
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Dean Henderson | The Hopi Apocalypse | Regis Tremblay
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at
WE have been bound for the last two thousand twenty four years were the worshiping of mammon ( Money ) has reached its Zenith. The power of the serpent shall be broken and the god of sorry deposed. Be of good cheer.!!!
Thanks for the restacks!