WE have been bound for the last two thousand twenty four years were the worshiping of mammon ( Money ) has reached its Zenith. The power of the serpent shall be broken and the god of sorry deposed. Be of good cheer.!!!

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Thanks for the restacks!

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Stalled out near Mountain View catching some down home music, long hikes into the hills and views, you know. Heard your home and kinda longing that. Jane is itching to get her seeds planted in the new addition, the 4 season sunroom. Mid April

Kinda basically put the world on semi-ignore, but saying the same of folk we met; lotsalove, but ignorant of all we understand.

Tom Cowan interviewed David Icke and he sums it up. Being brutally honest the 4 th turning almost complete. As jj kale wrote and EC made famous, we gotta run the route, cocaine. And the crowd chants Cocaine.

Link to interview


My thoughts are simply , we can and are aware of this simulation of perception but trying to exit means that I would be alone as 99 percent live in the matrix and how the hell could I interact from another plane outside that with people, friends and family? Like I posted elsewhere, I’d rather have a few real friends than a bunch of simplistic dunder head norms watching sports or doing stupid shit. Seems the norm. Last note: the older salts know what is coming down and could be the real fighters when it get down to nothing to loose mentality of fighting for it all, like the farmers in EU.

That’s the hill I’ll be on…

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