Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 11: First Strike Wetiko
We are told by Crown media shills that their confrontational delusions are necessary in such an unpredictable and dangerous world because, after all, we are dealing with “human nature”. How many times have you heard a person in the past week repeat this Malthusian lie in saying, “Well, we’re only human”, or “It’s just human nature”.
In truth, people who do bad things are not human enough. Jesus said we are all divine sons and daughters of God. Native people have no concept of original sin. It was the Crown-controlled Council of Nicaea that literally changed Jesus’ words and deemed him the sole unattainable messiah, lowering the bar for the rest of us to stay human.
We come out of our mother’s womb perfect. But almost immediately, the socialization into Crown-thought begins. Parents, teachers, friends, and acquaintances have all been initiated into the Royal Society perception-control grid. So they all unwittingly further the bloodline mind control by repeating misconceptions as to the nature of reality. They are Satanists, but sadly they do not know this.
This results in a deep-seated fear and mistrust of both the natural world and other humans. It also results in latent self-hatred, which the Crown loves to have humans carry around all through their lives. A human who hates themselves is rendered impotent as a force of change in the world. Their ability to see and then challenge bloodline control over their lives is stifled. And they tend to shop more at the Crown’s malls and big box stores, forever trying to fill the void of a narcissistic, isolated, and self-loathing existence.
Isolation is the key to maintaining the Crown control grid. We went from hunter-gatherers to agriculturalists to city dwellers, with an increase in social isolation every step of the way. Tribes became extended families became nuclear families became broken single-parent families in a matter of just a few thousand years. And now we are being further isolated and targeted by their internet and “social media”, which was designed by Crown intelligence assets to create division, hatred, and chaos, ensuring further social isolation.
The Anunnaki royals have always utilized the lizard brain portion of their cerebral cortex. Everything to them is reductionist. Everything must be broken apart, atomized, put under a microscope, categorized, classified, defined, and named. Their version of objectivity makes their science a fraud from the outset. No two creatures will act alike in any given situation. Nature versus nurture is just another of their dualistic fallacies. Dualism itself simply sets up an unnecessary conflict. Like Harvey Wall Banger, Silent Bob, and Slow Loris, we are all unique individual souls. Therefore, our behavior is extremely subjective and unpredictable.
In the same way, the CERN mad scientists are painfully and expensively finding out that matter and tiny particles are also very unpredictable. You cannot gain a better understanding of the nature of reality by isolating things and breaking them down to their smallest component. It is just the opposite. You begin to understand the nature of reality when you zoom out and see the world as a living breathing organism that in the end, minus stupid human intervention, acts unpredictably and yet paradoxically in circular unison.
Much of the joy of life comes not in the knowing of things, but in the humility that there is far more about the universe that we don’t know. This is why the best things in life often happen unexpectedly and without planning. Synchronicity and serendipity occur in an intellectual vacuum where calculation and cunning are absent. This is the story of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden tale, where intellectual self-deception trumped gratitude and acceptance.
Those who claim expertise are often the most scarred by the fear and mistrust pushed like heroin by the bloodline wetiko. They cling to their titles and the power it gives them, but most are useful idiots to the Crown agenda. They live miserable lives of bondage to a warped value system and subject the rest of us to their wetiko neurosis since these types become leaders in all areas of society. The Babylon system ensures this.
Those who refuse to comply with this inverted Luciferian reality are deemed revolutionaries or, more recently, “conspiracy theorists”. They are the people who have, at some level, seen through the wetiko veil. Often cast as paranoid, they are, ironically, the least paranoid among us as they attempt to remain true to their human roots. While most of society remains reactionary and fearful, willing to go along with this radical departure from reality that the Crown hides behind, the revolutionary trusts humanity while loathing the Crown system.
Paradoxically, the more you love humanity, the more you must hate the system. Most people buy into the Satanism. They hate humanity and love the unjust system. We are taught that there is no difference between the nature of humanity and the nature of the system. This is why your local nightly news reports on all manner of crimes committed by average citizens while never covering crimes committed by the elite who control the system.
The first-strike mentality is portrayed in nearly every single movie, documentary, newscast, and television drama we are shown. This is no accident. The screen has replaced the radio and newspaper as the Crown’s main propaganda delivery device. Edward Bernays’ work and the whole cybernetic movement have refined bloodline messaging down to a science. Their CIA MK-Ultra experiments are now being carried out on a mass scale and the whole of humanity is their subject.
They have to keep people in a reactive state of fear because this produces isolation and division. Divide and conquer has been the primary royal bloodline strategy for controlling humanity ever since they arrived in this Garden of Eden. Usury has been a close second.
In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
In Mircea Eliade's classic book "Shamanism", false religion taught to humans by the Annunaki, and practiced at Cern, shaman initiates are taught that breaking the commandment, Thou Shall Not Murder (Your Neighbor) [but Love Yoir Neighbor As Yourself] -- that breaking the commandment is " spirotual". The beginning of all wars, disrespect for the person or body of another.
The shaman initiate is taken -- he or she having consented to be an initiates (informed consent to believe a false Annunaki-created religion) -- he or she is taken in possessed dream or trance through " lessons" about "death."
Recall that he is being taught or possessed by fallen angels who are literally "running scared" from God who has set the time of their destruction for all they did, and are doing, to the human race. "Running scared" and with little time left -- they teach the very ones they are going to pay for, with their own destruction -- for their harassing and destroying individual humans, and for helping turn humans against humans. God called it the Day of the Lord, at the end of days.
What did they expect? The Creator is the creator.
Anyway. Back to Shaman initiates. These possessing spirits in the trance dismember the initiate before his/her very eyes. And it's all very "real." And the initiate is reassembled. Something to do about trauma that evil spirits like to inflict. They shatter the minds of the victims, then they can control the "shaman graduate."
This applies to the shamans and "gods" of the Northern Europeans, as well as those of Central Asia and Asia. Same demons, same playbook.
The key is the "gods" (or fleeing demons) want to disable every human they can get their hands on that death can be transcended, body parts reassembled, without Jesus, who frankly, is the Resurrection. He called a putrefacting, stinking corpse of a Lazarus "forth". Immediately.
The bad thing about the Annunaki appropriating religion, so called, that is "Death", is that they have taught humans its "okay" to murder other humans.
But of course, first they must despise them. Psychologically for dualistic, they can only kill that whichis not themselves, whom they love. They can only kill those they have pre-imagined are qualitatively unlike themselves.
If they don't psychologically do this empire mindset prep, killing other humans will feel like they are killing themselves. And having not solved their fear of their own death, their forever extinction, they must kill those "injuns" to feel "alive." An annunaki taught illusion to keep humans away from Christ as Messiah.
(Who?) Meshiac. The only One who saves from death. Think stinking decomposing cells of Laz...walked out of his tomb.
There is only One.
Annunaki? Jesus? Annunaki? Jesus?
Annunaki making a plethora, plethora of religions "for" humans? Why?
The most cunning being in the garden. The being who lies in wait.
Why? What for? Revenge...Can't avoid the Day of the Lord? Take revenge on the human race. Teach their progeny to. Turn humans against humans. The global royal elite.
Thank you for this and all your messages. Our whole lives, and predecessors, for centuries, fed with so many edicts and verdicts. At least at 60 I can understand why my relatives seemed to have that '10,000 yard stare' much of the time....(it's not always a bad thing but....) and seemed troubled by all that was going on around them. Things the human cannot parse without difficulty, a sign of humanity. best, from ORegon