In Mircea Eliade's classic book "Shamanism", false religion taught to humans by the Annunaki, and practiced at Cern, shaman initiates are taught that breaking the commandment, Thou Shall Not Murder (Your Neighbor) [but Love Yoir Neighbor As Yourself] -- that breaking the commandment is " spirotual". The beginning of all wars, disrespect for the person or body of another.
The shaman initiate is taken -- he or she having consented to be an initiates (informed consent to believe a false Annunaki-created religion) -- he or she is taken in possessed dream or trance through " lessons" about "death."
Recall that he is being taught or possessed by fallen angels who are literally "running scared" from God who has set the time of their destruction for all they did, and are doing, to the human race. "Running scared" and with little time left -- they teach the very ones they are going to pay for, with their own destruction -- for their harassing and destroying individual humans, and for helping turn humans against humans. God called it the Day of the Lord, at the end of days.
What did they expect? The Creator is the creator.
Anyway. Back to Shaman initiates. These possessing spirits in the trance dismember the initiate before his/her very eyes. And it's all very "real." And the initiate is reassembled. Something to do about trauma that evil spirits like to inflict. They shatter the minds of the victims, then they can control the "shaman graduate."
This applies to the shamans and "gods" of the Northern Europeans, as well as those of Central Asia and Asia. Same demons, same playbook.
The key is the "gods" (or fleeing demons) want to disable every human they can get their hands on that death can be transcended, body parts reassembled, without Jesus, who frankly, is the Resurrection. He called a putrefacting, stinking corpse of a Lazarus "forth". Immediately.
The bad thing about the Annunaki appropriating religion, so called, that is "Death", is that they have taught humans its "okay" to murder other humans.
But of course, first they must despise them. Psychologically for dualistic, they can only kill that whichis not themselves, whom they love. They can only kill those they have pre-imagined are qualitatively unlike themselves.
If they don't psychologically do this empire mindset prep, killing other humans will feel like they are killing themselves. And having not solved their fear of their own death, their forever extinction, they must kill those "injuns" to feel "alive." An annunaki taught illusion to keep humans away from Christ as Messiah.
(Who?) Meshiac. The only One who saves from death. Think stinking decomposing cells of Laz...walked out of his tomb.
There is only One.
Annunaki? Jesus? Annunaki? Jesus?
Annunaki making a plethora, plethora of religions "for" humans? Why?
The most cunning being in the garden. The being who lies in wait.
Why? What for? Revenge...Can't avoid the Day of the Lord? Take revenge on the human race. Teach their progeny to. Turn humans against humans. The global royal elite.
Thank you for this and all your messages. Our whole lives, and predecessors, for centuries, fed with so many edicts and verdicts. At least at 60 I can understand why my relatives seemed to have that '10,000 yard stare' much of the time....(it's not always a bad thing but....) and seemed troubled by all that was going on around them. Things the human cannot parse without difficulty, a sign of humanity. best, from ORegon
Great to see you back on it, loving your current writings, furthering my understandings of what seem to be important history, reading Mauro Biglinos literal take on the old testament in tandem and seeing how the uncovering of more accurate truths that resonate at least with me and many others is accelerating. the time of needing blood sacrifice is done, i think the new generations and most of us older if we actually thought about it sensibly would not be able to justify any need for any sacrifice to the so called gods, i cant see any point in it! the snake is slowly consuming itself it seems and is resisting dying as it so envies humans for their ability to die daily, it can no longer deny that it needs to die to evolve to a higher frequency where sacrifice is not needed, at least this is what i am sensing could be happening. where i live since 2019 many have made exodus here feeling the call to the land and like minded people putting their energy to loving and cultivating the land and community. note of interest..i am studying words and looked up Semitic- relating to the peoples who speak the family of languages including especially hebrew and arabic. I have not heard anyone speak of this important point hidden in plain sight. Big love to all
In Mircea Eliade's classic book "Shamanism", false religion taught to humans by the Annunaki, and practiced at Cern, shaman initiates are taught that breaking the commandment, Thou Shall Not Murder (Your Neighbor) [but Love Yoir Neighbor As Yourself] -- that breaking the commandment is " spirotual". The beginning of all wars, disrespect for the person or body of another.
The shaman initiate is taken -- he or she having consented to be an initiates (informed consent to believe a false Annunaki-created religion) -- he or she is taken in possessed dream or trance through " lessons" about "death."
Recall that he is being taught or possessed by fallen angels who are literally "running scared" from God who has set the time of their destruction for all they did, and are doing, to the human race. "Running scared" and with little time left -- they teach the very ones they are going to pay for, with their own destruction -- for their harassing and destroying individual humans, and for helping turn humans against humans. God called it the Day of the Lord, at the end of days.
What did they expect? The Creator is the creator.
Anyway. Back to Shaman initiates. These possessing spirits in the trance dismember the initiate before his/her very eyes. And it's all very "real." And the initiate is reassembled. Something to do about trauma that evil spirits like to inflict. They shatter the minds of the victims, then they can control the "shaman graduate."
This applies to the shamans and "gods" of the Northern Europeans, as well as those of Central Asia and Asia. Same demons, same playbook.
The key is the "gods" (or fleeing demons) want to disable every human they can get their hands on that death can be transcended, body parts reassembled, without Jesus, who frankly, is the Resurrection. He called a putrefacting, stinking corpse of a Lazarus "forth". Immediately.
The bad thing about the Annunaki appropriating religion, so called, that is "Death", is that they have taught humans its "okay" to murder other humans.
But of course, first they must despise them. Psychologically for dualistic, they can only kill that whichis not themselves, whom they love. They can only kill those they have pre-imagined are qualitatively unlike themselves.
If they don't psychologically do this empire mindset prep, killing other humans will feel like they are killing themselves. And having not solved their fear of their own death, their forever extinction, they must kill those "injuns" to feel "alive." An annunaki taught illusion to keep humans away from Christ as Messiah.
(Who?) Meshiac. The only One who saves from death. Think stinking decomposing cells of Laz...walked out of his tomb.
There is only One.
Annunaki? Jesus? Annunaki? Jesus?
Annunaki making a plethora, plethora of religions "for" humans? Why?
The most cunning being in the garden. The being who lies in wait.
Why? What for? Revenge...Can't avoid the Day of the Lord? Take revenge on the human race. Teach their progeny to. Turn humans against humans. The global royal elite.
Thank you for this and all your messages. Our whole lives, and predecessors, for centuries, fed with so many edicts and verdicts. At least at 60 I can understand why my relatives seemed to have that '10,000 yard stare' much of the time....(it's not always a bad thing but....) and seemed troubled by all that was going on around them. Things the human cannot parse without difficulty, a sign of humanity. best, from ORegon
Best to you also Jacquelyn!
Thanks Tracy, Jeffrey & Fortheluvoftruth for the restacks!
Great to see you back on it, loving your current writings, furthering my understandings of what seem to be important history, reading Mauro Biglinos literal take on the old testament in tandem and seeing how the uncovering of more accurate truths that resonate at least with me and many others is accelerating. the time of needing blood sacrifice is done, i think the new generations and most of us older if we actually thought about it sensibly would not be able to justify any need for any sacrifice to the so called gods, i cant see any point in it! the snake is slowly consuming itself it seems and is resisting dying as it so envies humans for their ability to die daily, it can no longer deny that it needs to die to evolve to a higher frequency where sacrifice is not needed, at least this is what i am sensing could be happening. where i live since 2019 many have made exodus here feeling the call to the land and like minded people putting their energy to loving and cultivating the land and community. note of interest..i am studying words and looked up Semitic- relating to the peoples who speak the family of languages including especially hebrew and arabic. I have not heard anyone speak of this important point hidden in plain sight. Big love to all