Fascinating analysis. I particularly liked this sentence:

"While truth lies in unity and wholeness, they seek to divide, disrupt and obfuscate."

To my eyes the biggest divide is not between capitalism and communism, belief and atheism, or even good and evil. It is the gulf that exists between male and female, or specifically in our species, men and women.

I think this is the biggest fear they have. That men and women will learn to work together and humanity will become free at last.

As a man I can't see the problem clearly enough to propose a solution, but that would apply also if I were a woman. Either sex, on its own, cannot find the answer. It is simply not possible. Unless men and women can somehow find a way of working together, *really* working together, humanity is doomed.

At present, males and females are like birds trying to fly with only one wing, or rowing boats trying to go in a certain direction with only one oar in the water. We will just keep going round in circles.

The female wing or oar is probably more effective than the male equivalent, but it is still only one. We need both.

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Sep 11Liked by Dean Henderson

Well….that’s as good of an explanation as any! I happen to agree with nearly all of it. If by individualism, you mean more important than God? Doesn’t matter, splitting hairs.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Dean Henderson

I appreciate these excerpts, Greg.

It brings me back to my physical bookshelf where many of your musings exist in my home. So many seeds of knowledge and truth that enable those who are willing to see, to build a better tomorrow.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Dean Henderson

There are megalithic structures that are dated way before Egyptian and Sumerian cultures. Ancient civilizations did not build the pyramids, Osireon, Baalbek platform, Sacsayhuaman especially with the precison cutting, interlocking cuts, weight of the stones and their alignment. Even today, we do not have the technology and equipment that could replicate building these same structures.

The other thing that is troubling is how to account for the thousand of alien abductions that have occurred in the past few hundred years, as well as the untold number of alien craft seen (Close Encounters of the first, second and third kind). This is on a worldwide level although more prevalent in specific areas.

A great deal of discussion today wants to attribute events to either God or Satan, when we know from ancient sanskrit in Hindu, Summerian and other cultures they noted multiple 'Gods' or Devas. Even Elohim is plural, and with the Greeks they had multiple gods. While I admit there are secret societies and organizations doing the bidding of Black Nobility families, they are not responsible for extra-terrestrial events, megalithic structures or UAP that has been with us for centuries or even millenia.

Society has been mislead about much of history and knowledge. The earth is three-fourths water and while Google maps can tell you street detail in cities worldwide, knowledge of the continental shelf or subterranean is very uncommon. You can bet there are cities under sea that support life. It's seems highly improbable to attribute all this to a battle between God and Satan.

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Your last paragraph made me laugh.

The cabal suffers the alien virus of colonization - the reason the Annunaki overlords and kings left the planet was that they got tired of trying to enslave rebels on all fronts. I would suggest the majority of the fallen angles were rebels who rebelled against the kings of the Annunaki. And that they along with rebellious humans, spread out all over the planet. I think these people made up many of the free tribes - perhaps the Scythians, perhaps the Atlantis group, and certainly the Aryans, who are likely the descendants of the strongest of the bloodlines, and they spread out everywhere and were rooted in the 'WE ARE FREE MEN' paradigm - look at the Beibers, the Germanic tribes that gave Rome so much difficulty in subduing them. And then they became the Holy Roman Empire - but one faction split off, the Zion Imperial Cult, and in turn destroyed their cousins in Russia and Germany - because they'd become Orthodox Christian, and Protestant, and so they challenged the core group, which is the power behind the Vatican, and all of the Masonic Zionist orders! Ah, it's a lovely world we live in.

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Sep 12Liked by Dean Henderson

Loved this. Dean!!! They have got it so so wrong.

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Thanks Sue!

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Sep 12Liked by Dean Henderson

Your history of the world is fascinating and highly believable. I have been commenting in various substacks for some time that the satanic cabal is not as bright as they like to think. Most of what they have imposed on humanity, they have also done to themselves (even as they are unaware). As they poison the air, water, food they are also doing the same to themselves. Whether we will survive the slaughter is a throw of the dice (depending in large part how we react and act from now on). I picture them sitting in their thrones in their castles or underground bunkers laughing as they watch as die and steal all we have. I see them soon thereafter painfully falling ill and dying a horrible death. Praise the Lord and pass the bullets.

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So Well Said!!!!!

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Sep 11Liked by Dean Henderson

The parasite class does fit for a term, parasites are not known for their familial tendencies, each is on their own from birth, to kill or be killed, milk the source or perish. And yet it derides actual parasites to be compared with those who are claim 'illuminati'-assumed or given.

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I agree, with the exception of how 7 senses are described. The fallen ones have pitched themselves to "New Agers"(who believe themselves to be incipient gods or sparks of light off of Lucifer) as "spirit guides", meaning benevolent.

Alice Bailey of Lucifer Publishing (now Lucis Pub) believed she was "channeling" a good-guy guide "The Tibetan." I guess name anything Tibetan and it's kosher.

Actually, trance "channeling" , as Bailey did her "books", is consent to possession. It is willingly giving up your free choice to be possessed (or "guided") by the hybrid spirit progeny of the Fallen ones of Gen.6, released after their deaths to roam searching for humans to control a.k.a. "guide".

As the heart has a field that extends past the human body, this may be the source of invisible contact with others. But I would hypothesize that ostensible invisibility is dependent entirely on the structural limits of the eye.

In any case, since the anunaks' hybrid angel-humans (RH neg) are competing with the human species for God-granted dominion/care of the planet/resources to humans, any "guidance" from anunaks are likely to be biased in their own favor. So, "spirit guides" -- not so much.

Of course everyone knows from Marvel comics and films that "transhumanists" who don't exactly like the idea of their own mortality/human death, are looking to non-guide or anti-guide "guides" for instructions on how to be immortal. Cyborgs, gene hybrids, et al. "X-men."

Not in the story says Jesus. He is the Door.

Problematic for transhumanists who like to sin (harm/anti-Shema/anti-agape love your neighbor).The wages/earnings of sin is in fact death/mortality. "Gift" of edenic Serpent/Lucifer.

But, confess and renounce sin in the name of Jesus and He gifts a human with eternal life after death (He explained this to Martha who asked Him why He waited for her friend Lazarus to die, before coming to help.) He then put Lazarus back together atomically -- atom-by-atom instantaneously -- post-"deconstruction" (3 days of decomposition). As at the Resurrection, where Jesus raised himself from death.

Only Creator God.* Not anunaks. Not transhumans. Not, not, not, Job.

*God to Job, Where were you, when I created the universe? (paraphrased).

God is "Increate" -- no beginning, no end.

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Dean or anybody else, which are the 6th and 7th senses? The 6th sense is often being used for the intuition. Is this the correct meaning of the 6th sense? What about the 7th sense?

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Hmmm. In your text there's WE - and then there's THEY. So when you say, twice, that "we are ONE", by this statement you do NOT include the luciferians, do you?

I struggle with the New Age core concept of "oneness" and a subsequent ONE world religion because, as I've understood, the ecumenical project will always exclude the Satan Churches, won't they?

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Explorer. Explore my comment below. All will be explained.

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Like most ,although you are accurate with your historical chronograph, you have not yet understood that nothing can happen outside of Gods plan.

The innocence of the G of E was not recognised by the inhabitants. They had to KNOW, which explains the tree of knowledge and why many are rediscovering that state of consciousness through very much more advanced states.

The " obstacle builders " are also part of the plan, for without them there woukd be no motivation to grow even further.

Love thine enemies ? This is why. They also know no better but are servingbannessential role.

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