Two Israeli troopers were killed today when a drone fired by Iraq’s Islamic Resistance hit an Israeli base in the Golan Heights. Yesterday, Hezbollah killed 17 Israeli soldiers as they crossed into Lebanon, forcing an Israeli retreat at three different border crossings.
And despite the torrent of Israeli lies regarding Tuesday’s Iranian shelling of Israel, even The Washington Post had to admit that several Israeli military facilities suffered heavy damage during Operation True Promise-II.
Twenty Iranian missiles hit Nevatim Air Base in the southern Negev Desert. Other missiles hit the Tel Nof Base while still others landed near Mossad’s headquarters in Tel Aviv. Iran has stated that it specifically targeted these three facilities.
Nevatim was hit especially hard. According to Military Watch Magazine, “The facility hosts both of the Israeli Air Force’s F-35 fifth generation fighter squadrons, and was previously intended to host a third squadron of the fighters after they were delivered”.
The Iranians claim they took out an entire squadron of 20 F-35 fighters. They also say 90% of their Ghadr, Emad and Fattah hypersonic missiles evaded not only the much vaunted Israeli air defense system, but US and UK Naval anti-missile batteries as well. While Israel claims Iran fired 180 missiles, Iran says if fired around 600.
Iran has also stated that if Israel responds with aggression, they will roll out yet more powerful missiles and take out all Israeli gas fields and facilities.
The next few days will tell us all we need to know about the strength of the Resistance vis a vis the colonizing Israeli army. The Israeli’s have crossed every possible red line regarding common decency and standards of human behavior.
Yet their Western colonial masters are all too happy to let Netanyahu run amok while publicly claiming incredulity at his barbarism. Now we will see if the Iranian-backed Shia Resistance in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen has what it takes to defeat these invaders. We may also find out what it means when China says it “guarantees Iran’s security”.
Thanks for the restacks Julia, Roger, Proletarius, Frances, Akcidentalwriter, Raphael, Tracy, Jeffrey & Mark!
Written in April 2022 -
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"Russia has a well established treaty with Iran. China is tidying up the details on its treaty with Iran. Iran is a secret member of BRICS.
Thus the opponents are all lined up:
NATO countries versus a Russia/Iran/China alliance.
The entire world dragged into a mutually destructive war, rather rapidly destroying everything that breathes on this planet.
The predator Black Nobility, supreme architects of this horror show, will be safely tucked in their deep underground, faraday cage bunkers, super-yachts or private islands waiting for all life on earth to frizzle away, conveniently reduced to dust.
A tidy end to a two thousand year plan."
UNLESS we stop it.