NATO countries versus a Russia/Iran/China alliance.
The entire world dragged into a mutually destructive war, rather rapidly destroying everything that breathes on this planet.
The predator Black Nobility, supreme architects of this horror show, will be safely tucked in their deep underground, faraday cage bunkers, super-yachts or private islands waiting for all life on earth to frizzle away, conveniently reduced to dust.
And the criminal terrorist pseudo-spiritual 'religion' that the real self-stated intended conquerors of the world in Israel hide behind should be proscribed by international law worldwide after being officially recognized and categorized as a criminal terrorist organization that is now operating hostile foreign power military occupation satellite governments in many nations all over the world.
It's hostile anti-life teachings must be banned from being taught or being re-initiated ever again anywhere in the entire world in case any of the many recalcitrant and unrepentant secretive crypto-Jews now very-well infiltrated everywhere attempt at any times throughout the future as they surely will, as they always have done before, each time on a then more naive, unsuspecting and trusting population, to set about re-initiating the several-thousand-year-old Jewish plan for world conquest and total extermination of all Gentiles in the entire world.
The total extermination of 'amalek' or all Gentiles is exactly what is contained in the Jewish teachings as fully confirmed by modern-day rabbinical statements in speeches to their own congregations about their communal objectives, obligations and intentions, with Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi for instance being one of a number of very similar, very usual, typically psychotic rabbis that I feature on my site stating in one of a number of videos I have there that of all the Gentiles in the entire world, in the end there will be "No survivors", he also says that for just being 'idolaters' alone, some 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentile human beings will be exterminated under the Noahide Laws, and he says what is contained in the Torah fully justifies this and commands this.
The deeply insightful Ron Unz did an excellent piece recently on the deeply deceptive and even manipulative nature of the so-called 'good Jews' who actually do nothing whatsoever to actually stop these supposedly 'extremist' Jews, thereby really letting them get on with their plans which all Jews in truth intend to benefit from even while pretending to sympathise with opposing factions so as to pull the wool over the eyes of the intended victim Gentiles, all this being a deliberate and well-calculated part of the communal Jewish game plan.
Constant successive reincarnation (Gilgul) only as Jews or crypto-Jews by consciously-controlled occult practice is part of the Jewish occult ability, so all Jews are all old Jewish souls, all old soldiers coming back again and again to play their self-intended part in this world conquest.
The Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Stephen Laitman states in his rabbinical classes to his students that all Jewish souls came here as spiritual commandos from a different dimension only to conquer this planet. Whether we Gentiles may think they are self-deluded in this belief or not, they themselves are certainly very very serious about acting this role out to the bitter end to bring about their intended Jewish-based NWO world government which is only intended to be a government by and for the Jewish people alone on this entire planet, with all Gentiles to be totally exterminated, and even the memories of the Gentiles to be erased says Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, unless people stand up to them and stop them, but they will not be able to stand up to oppose anybody at all without first knowing accurately who exactly it is that they must really stand up to oppose.
The Commonweath Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis attends Chabad Lubavitcher meetings as a guest and greatly praises them as members of the Jewish rabbinical community, as he is also head of the Board of Deputies of British Jews which oversees all Jewish groups in the UK, so these Chabad Lubavitchers are most definitely not 'fake Jews' as many deceptive people are trying to assert on the internet.
So it is not really any 'Black Nobility' Gentile elite families behind the plan to totally exterminate Gentile humanity worldwide in order to fully conquer the entire world for themselves alone to live on as some ridiculously persist in very artfully making out (what Gentiles would possibly do that to other Gentiles anyway?).
Judaic law states that any amalekite who moves to any other land then makes the entire Gentile people of that land also amalekite, and this automatically then makes all the entire Gentile population of that land also subject to mandatory extermination (what a nice little excuse the Jews all have!), and in any case, even without that ridiculous Jewish declaration, the Jewish Zohar states all Gentiles are to be/will be totally exterminated throughout the entire world and will all be sent to hell, with Torah teachings also holding that the war against amalek is to be eternal and against all who are not Jewish basically, this invoking the teachings of Deuteronomy 20:16 to be carried out eternally also.
And the Chabad Lubavitchers and other orthodox Jewish rabbinical groups also supporting the carrying out of the NWO Noahide Laws program do hold amongst themselves that all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately to be totally exterminated while publicly asserting only that this intended annihilation of amalek really refers purely only to the annihilation of inner spiritual doubts within the Jewish mind.
This real intended total death toll of Gentiles that parries entirely with the Zohar statement is more than even that of the actually Jewish-based WEF NWO front organization that also intends very cohencidentally to exterminate billions of humanity are prepared to admit will really be exterminated.
And it is clear that the WEF really intends to actually focus on purely Gentile population 'reduction' rather than general population 'reduction', this is really a crafty military attack by the Jews.
Even Lenin said around 100 years ago that 9 in every 10 people in the world could be killed to ensure a successful Communist revolution. The word 'revolution' was clearly being used deceptively by him at that time of course, what he really intended was what Karl Marx had published in his political journal in 1849: "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to PERISH in the revolutionary holocaust". This statement can only possibly refer to an intended total extermination of all non-Jewish races and peoples.
Of course, nobody is really going to let even a few hundred million Gentiles remain alive after the WEF have slaughtered all the rest in the world by many means, as those Gentiles remaining will very surely know that it is only a matter of time before it is their turn also to be eliminated, so the Jews really running the WEF will certainly not really risk keeping any Gentiles alive who might slit their throats in the night, so they will really have their DARPA humanoid robots ready to totally take over all slave duties from all the current men of clay soulless Gentile humanoid robot slaves (as the Jews see them). WEF head Klaus Schwab's real mother was actually Jewish before he was subsequently adopted.
Some do not want us to be clear about who these people really are so that nobody will know who to direct their efforts against in order to stop this intended planetary conquest and extermination of humanity from happening.
Protecting so-called 'good Jews' is that important for them. But the Jewish scripture clearly states: "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed", so what is good about any Jew continuing to accept the Jewish religion?
And why don't the Jews say: "Not all Gentiles should be killed because some are 'good Gentiles'?
Really, the Jews should not be permitted to maintain a collective multi-generational psychotic fixation with conquering the world and exterminating all Gentiles at all, as that is clearly grounds for life-long internment in a lunatic asylum on the grounds of maintaining public safety.
The Jew Leo Szilard invented and patented the atom bomb in London in 1934, then in 1950 he invented and patented the cobalt dirty nuclear bomb after he moved to America, after another Jewish scientist had first invented and patented the first nuclear bomb.
Szilard stated that the cobalt nuclear bomb is capable of permanently exterminating all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 devices (of the limited size then able to be produced) are deployed (Deuteronomy 20:16 fully realized), and then another Jewish scientist invented and patented the neutron bomb, and then Israel declared the criminal terrorist Samson Option threat to destroy the entire world with these Jewish weapons.
And now we have the originally Jewish Monsanto-invented synthetic GM mRNA poison fake food crop bioweapons, with military gene-altering technology furthered in the form of synthetic GM mRNA and self-replicating nanotechnology COVID ethnobomb bioweapon jabs created by a number of Jewish scientists like Tal Zaks and Al Bourla that actually cause the COVID in combination with 5G EMF activation frequencies that sterilize only Gentiles.
The Jewish nightmare fixation is surely about to come to full fruition unless a very strong form of collective awakening and opposition by the Gentile peoples of the world becomes manifest.
interesting proposal. We do need to ask ourselves why this should be tolerated. The public will not unsee what is happening in front of all the world- a toxic rampant psychosis of an entire tribe of people. The wanton murder of innocents must be stopped. And driving it all is a blatant, thoroughly documented murderously racist supremacist dogma explicitly condoning plundering rape and murder of all non Jews - condoned and encouraged by their fake-ass made up Satanic derivative demon God El/ Elohim/ Yahweh formerly known as the child eating Moloch, combined with the blood sacrificing Baal and the local whoring moon demon/ river demon Shakinah- basically a pileup of stolen myths and histories from other previous civilizations the Jewish scribes plagiarized very boldly with absolutely zero basis in any actual facts whatsoever. Yes 100% the so called religion should be outlawed and declared a terrorist organization- all their assets frozen, all their leaders hunted down and imprisoned. Israeli dual citizenship becomes an instant admission of complicity subjecting the holder of such passport to be ejected from the country and their US passport revoked. The plain truth is we are dealing with a multi-generational Judaic criminal syndicate.
Brain-washed citizens: Red-eyed duck kept his eyes open when the trickster said bow your heads, close your eyes and let us pray…little red-eyed duck kept his eyes open then started yelling: “He’s killing us, he’s killing us.”
Absolutely. Only the fake notion of the existence of supposedly oppositional 'good Jews' preserves the entire sinister Jewish invasion movement and this serves to enable the continued existence of the collective Jewish march towards world domination behind everyone's backs by all Jews while the 'good Jews' do what they always do, actually covering for the 'bad Jews' in reality.
Our ultimately-intended total extermination by all the Jews, who have been steadily working towards this over thousands of years through countless Jewish reincarnations, will surely come to take place unless there is a massive collective public awakening via alternative media sources that can enable the very physical removal from all positions of power and influence of this heavily caustic and destructive parasite. No other means exists in realistic terms.
A several million man march organized in every affected nation to very physically eject these enemy operatives from their government offices and replace them with thoroughly vetted and well-capable genuinely compassionate and well-meaning Gentile alternative governmental officers would without any question save thousands of millions of Gentile lives.
I detest armed conflict, war, needless and gratuitous indiscriminate killing, as, I feel fairly confident do all right-minded, caring human beings of conscience.
However, as those same people have readily seen, acknowledged and highlighted, the actions of Netanyahu and Israel since 8 October 2023 under the false justification of 'self defense' have been not only completely disproportionate to any tragedy and loss of life suffered by the Israeli population but have shown an indisputable callous, cruelty and gruesome malevolence such as equals the worst excesses of the National Socialists in WWII and the Killing Field atrocities of Idi Amin.
Taking into account, also, that Palestinians had their land forcibly taken away from them without consultation by colonial powers, notably England, Germany and the US and have since effectively been held hostage by Israel and denied an opportunity to live decently and develop a society in pace with other nations, whilst I don't condone killing or terror, it is at least understandable that the military wing of Hamas finally mounted resistance to Israel in an attempt to release Palestinian people from their occupiers. - Something which an occupied people have every right to do under International Law.
In contrast, Israel has violated probably every international covenant or agreement designed to protect human rights and avoid and/or minimise harm to civilians when warfare occurs. Netanyahu has demeaned the World order by his clear disdain for the United Nations and associated agencies composed of justices and others from a wide variety of otherwise often quite dissimilar nations across the World.
As bad as all this is the hypocrisy of so-called and what are generally accepted to be bastions of democracy, freedom and progress. Nations such as the United Kingdom, Germany and notably the United States which, although regularly criticising other nations, particular non-christian ones, for violations of rights and actions destructive of world peace, has and is providing the very funding and weaponry that allows Israel to conduct its campaign of genocide and, apparently, now even use to attack and breach the borders of any nation when it chooses to do so and to do it with impunity and the total hypocritical support of those very 'bastions of democracy and freedom'.
It must be. and the protests around the World and in those nations I've mentioned demonstrate that it is, horrifying and offensive to all right-thinking, compassionate and caring people that this carnage and genocidal destruction is being allowed to continue and even being supported by the very nations who claim the 'high moral ground' on the international stage.
I have been on this Earth for almost 80 years now and I have witnessed or been aware of much senseless violence and obnoxious cruelty both overt and insidious. However, perhaps I am a very naive person but I never thought I would again see such destruction of life and infrastructure and denial of reason after the experiences of the two World Wars, the Holocaust and subsequent atrocities committed by various national governments and their agencies, including the war in Vietnam and the tragedy for the Afghanistan people of their being taken over by a mindless and insane myth believing set of male demagogues, the Taliban.
Although I have had no direct part in it and have opposed and decried it in many forums and on many platforms, I now feel deeply ashamed that my fellow countrymen and some women in the Western World support governments which use their people's resources to support Netanyahu and his barbaric and criminal actions.
It is horrendous enough that we have an increase in right-wing, even Nazi friendly activity and political action across the World and a division in the US caused by the rise of billionaires and an insane, unstable and demented demagogue, Donald Trump, who may well become the occupier of the Presidency once again.
I have no religion but if I did I would be asking all of the thousands of gods that humanity has worshipped throughout its history - or at least the supposedly beneficient ones - to intervene and stop this madness and instill some rationality, reason and compassion into those who support it.
It seems to me that it is not unreasonable now for one to ask: Is this the start of Armageddon!
No, I just mixed up the terminology. It was Idi Amin's atrocities that were in my mind but you are right that the "Killing Fields" term is associated with Pol Pot's brutality. The point, of course, is the same, whichever is used because what Israel is doing is similarly atrocious. However, yes, you are right to point out the association flaw.
Standards of decency were non-existent on 7.10.23; 600.00 Israelis cannot return to their homes on the northern border; using the population as human sheilds is hardly decent.
No, I very much doubt that and certainly there is no evidence in it in any of his writing that I have read. It doesn't even require research skill or any significant depth of searching to discover the historical background to the current conflict nor to reveal the extent of cruel repression and persecution of the Palestinian people by Israel, which stands on the lands from which the Palestinians were dispossessed, without even the courtesy of consultation and at the behest of a Zionist lobby which played on the wide feelings of sympathy for the persecution of Jewish people in Europe, particularly at the hands of the National Socialists of Germany. Indeed, it is horrendously paradoxical that a religious people which has been victim of such suffering should now replicate those horrors on others.
That the nation which saw the birth of Western democracy, the UK and the nation which did so much to defeat the tyranny wrought by Germany and its allies in WWII, the USA, not only hypocritically repeat and support Netanyahu's totally disingenuous statements and feed his nations genocidal, illegal, immoral and despicable actions makes them complicit in the breaches of international law and removes any credibility they still have as being nations supporting freedom, democracy and human rights.
So, you, FreedomFighter need to cease to comment unless and until you can inform yourself accurately of the facts and reality, rather than spouting prejudiced nonsense which shows you to have no understanding of history, geo-political realities or what is actually meant by 'terrorist' or 'freedom fighter' and how they are interchangeable depending on who is using the terms. In other words, they are simply emotive diversions meant to subvert objective understanding and analysis.
Thanks for the restacks Julia, Roger, Proletarius, Frances, Akcidentalwriter, Raphael, Tracy, Jeffrey & Mark!
Written in April 2022 -
Relevant section:
"Russia has a well established treaty with Iran. China is tidying up the details on its treaty with Iran. Iran is a secret member of BRICS.
Thus the opponents are all lined up:
NATO countries versus a Russia/Iran/China alliance.
The entire world dragged into a mutually destructive war, rather rapidly destroying everything that breathes on this planet.
The predator Black Nobility, supreme architects of this horror show, will be safely tucked in their deep underground, faraday cage bunkers, super-yachts or private islands waiting for all life on earth to frizzle away, conveniently reduced to dust.
A tidy end to a two thousand year plan."
UNLESS we stop it.
The Chinese wildcard you bring up is key.
Israhell is an illegal Country, and should be abolished.......Period
And the criminal terrorist pseudo-spiritual 'religion' that the real self-stated intended conquerors of the world in Israel hide behind should be proscribed by international law worldwide after being officially recognized and categorized as a criminal terrorist organization that is now operating hostile foreign power military occupation satellite governments in many nations all over the world.
It's hostile anti-life teachings must be banned from being taught or being re-initiated ever again anywhere in the entire world in case any of the many recalcitrant and unrepentant secretive crypto-Jews now very-well infiltrated everywhere attempt at any times throughout the future as they surely will, as they always have done before, each time on a then more naive, unsuspecting and trusting population, to set about re-initiating the several-thousand-year-old Jewish plan for world conquest and total extermination of all Gentiles in the entire world.
The total extermination of 'amalek' or all Gentiles is exactly what is contained in the Jewish teachings as fully confirmed by modern-day rabbinical statements in speeches to their own congregations about their communal objectives, obligations and intentions, with Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi for instance being one of a number of very similar, very usual, typically psychotic rabbis that I feature on my site stating in one of a number of videos I have there that of all the Gentiles in the entire world, in the end there will be "No survivors", he also says that for just being 'idolaters' alone, some 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentile human beings will be exterminated under the Noahide Laws, and he says what is contained in the Torah fully justifies this and commands this.
The deeply insightful Ron Unz did an excellent piece recently on the deeply deceptive and even manipulative nature of the so-called 'good Jews' who actually do nothing whatsoever to actually stop these supposedly 'extremist' Jews, thereby really letting them get on with their plans which all Jews in truth intend to benefit from even while pretending to sympathise with opposing factions so as to pull the wool over the eyes of the intended victim Gentiles, all this being a deliberate and well-calculated part of the communal Jewish game plan.
Constant successive reincarnation (Gilgul) only as Jews or crypto-Jews by consciously-controlled occult practice is part of the Jewish occult ability, so all Jews are all old Jewish souls, all old soldiers coming back again and again to play their self-intended part in this world conquest.
The Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Stephen Laitman states in his rabbinical classes to his students that all Jewish souls came here as spiritual commandos from a different dimension only to conquer this planet. Whether we Gentiles may think they are self-deluded in this belief or not, they themselves are certainly very very serious about acting this role out to the bitter end to bring about their intended Jewish-based NWO world government which is only intended to be a government by and for the Jewish people alone on this entire planet, with all Gentiles to be totally exterminated, and even the memories of the Gentiles to be erased says Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, unless people stand up to them and stop them, but they will not be able to stand up to oppose anybody at all without first knowing accurately who exactly it is that they must really stand up to oppose.
The Commonweath Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis attends Chabad Lubavitcher meetings as a guest and greatly praises them as members of the Jewish rabbinical community, as he is also head of the Board of Deputies of British Jews which oversees all Jewish groups in the UK, so these Chabad Lubavitchers are most definitely not 'fake Jews' as many deceptive people are trying to assert on the internet.
So it is not really any 'Black Nobility' Gentile elite families behind the plan to totally exterminate Gentile humanity worldwide in order to fully conquer the entire world for themselves alone to live on as some ridiculously persist in very artfully making out (what Gentiles would possibly do that to other Gentiles anyway?).
Judaic law states that any amalekite who moves to any other land then makes the entire Gentile people of that land also amalekite, and this automatically then makes all the entire Gentile population of that land also subject to mandatory extermination (what a nice little excuse the Jews all have!), and in any case, even without that ridiculous Jewish declaration, the Jewish Zohar states all Gentiles are to be/will be totally exterminated throughout the entire world and will all be sent to hell, with Torah teachings also holding that the war against amalek is to be eternal and against all who are not Jewish basically, this invoking the teachings of Deuteronomy 20:16 to be carried out eternally also.
And the Chabad Lubavitchers and other orthodox Jewish rabbinical groups also supporting the carrying out of the NWO Noahide Laws program do hold amongst themselves that all Gentiles in the entire world are ultimately to be totally exterminated while publicly asserting only that this intended annihilation of amalek really refers purely only to the annihilation of inner spiritual doubts within the Jewish mind.
This real intended total death toll of Gentiles that parries entirely with the Zohar statement is more than even that of the actually Jewish-based WEF NWO front organization that also intends very cohencidentally to exterminate billions of humanity are prepared to admit will really be exterminated.
And it is clear that the WEF really intends to actually focus on purely Gentile population 'reduction' rather than general population 'reduction', this is really a crafty military attack by the Jews.
Even Lenin said around 100 years ago that 9 in every 10 people in the world could be killed to ensure a successful Communist revolution. The word 'revolution' was clearly being used deceptively by him at that time of course, what he really intended was what Karl Marx had published in his political journal in 1849: "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to PERISH in the revolutionary holocaust". This statement can only possibly refer to an intended total extermination of all non-Jewish races and peoples.
Of course, nobody is really going to let even a few hundred million Gentiles remain alive after the WEF have slaughtered all the rest in the world by many means, as those Gentiles remaining will very surely know that it is only a matter of time before it is their turn also to be eliminated, so the Jews really running the WEF will certainly not really risk keeping any Gentiles alive who might slit their throats in the night, so they will really have their DARPA humanoid robots ready to totally take over all slave duties from all the current men of clay soulless Gentile humanoid robot slaves (as the Jews see them). WEF head Klaus Schwab's real mother was actually Jewish before he was subsequently adopted.
Some do not want us to be clear about who these people really are so that nobody will know who to direct their efforts against in order to stop this intended planetary conquest and extermination of humanity from happening.
Protecting so-called 'good Jews' is that important for them. But the Jewish scripture clearly states: "Even the best of Gentiles should be killed", so what is good about any Jew continuing to accept the Jewish religion?
And why don't the Jews say: "Not all Gentiles should be killed because some are 'good Gentiles'?
Really, the Jews should not be permitted to maintain a collective multi-generational psychotic fixation with conquering the world and exterminating all Gentiles at all, as that is clearly grounds for life-long internment in a lunatic asylum on the grounds of maintaining public safety.
The Jew Leo Szilard invented and patented the atom bomb in London in 1934, then in 1950 he invented and patented the cobalt dirty nuclear bomb after he moved to America, after another Jewish scientist had first invented and patented the first nuclear bomb.
Szilard stated that the cobalt nuclear bomb is capable of permanently exterminating all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 devices (of the limited size then able to be produced) are deployed (Deuteronomy 20:16 fully realized), and then another Jewish scientist invented and patented the neutron bomb, and then Israel declared the criminal terrorist Samson Option threat to destroy the entire world with these Jewish weapons.
And now we have the originally Jewish Monsanto-invented synthetic GM mRNA poison fake food crop bioweapons, with military gene-altering technology furthered in the form of synthetic GM mRNA and self-replicating nanotechnology COVID ethnobomb bioweapon jabs created by a number of Jewish scientists like Tal Zaks and Al Bourla that actually cause the COVID in combination with 5G EMF activation frequencies that sterilize only Gentiles.
The Jewish nightmare fixation is surely about to come to full fruition unless a very strong form of collective awakening and opposition by the Gentile peoples of the world becomes manifest.
interesting proposal. We do need to ask ourselves why this should be tolerated. The public will not unsee what is happening in front of all the world- a toxic rampant psychosis of an entire tribe of people. The wanton murder of innocents must be stopped. And driving it all is a blatant, thoroughly documented murderously racist supremacist dogma explicitly condoning plundering rape and murder of all non Jews - condoned and encouraged by their fake-ass made up Satanic derivative demon God El/ Elohim/ Yahweh formerly known as the child eating Moloch, combined with the blood sacrificing Baal and the local whoring moon demon/ river demon Shakinah- basically a pileup of stolen myths and histories from other previous civilizations the Jewish scribes plagiarized very boldly with absolutely zero basis in any actual facts whatsoever. Yes 100% the so called religion should be outlawed and declared a terrorist organization- all their assets frozen, all their leaders hunted down and imprisoned. Israeli dual citizenship becomes an instant admission of complicity subjecting the holder of such passport to be ejected from the country and their US passport revoked. The plain truth is we are dealing with a multi-generational Judaic criminal syndicate.
Brain-washed citizens: Red-eyed duck kept his eyes open when the trickster said bow your heads, close your eyes and let us pray…little red-eyed duck kept his eyes open then started yelling: “He’s killing us, he’s killing us.”
Absolutely. Only the fake notion of the existence of supposedly oppositional 'good Jews' preserves the entire sinister Jewish invasion movement and this serves to enable the continued existence of the collective Jewish march towards world domination behind everyone's backs by all Jews while the 'good Jews' do what they always do, actually covering for the 'bad Jews' in reality.
Our ultimately-intended total extermination by all the Jews, who have been steadily working towards this over thousands of years through countless Jewish reincarnations, will surely come to take place unless there is a massive collective public awakening via alternative media sources that can enable the very physical removal from all positions of power and influence of this heavily caustic and destructive parasite. No other means exists in realistic terms.
A several million man march organized in every affected nation to very physically eject these enemy operatives from their government offices and replace them with thoroughly vetted and well-capable genuinely compassionate and well-meaning Gentile alternative governmental officers would without any question save thousands of millions of Gentile lives.
All "Countries" are illegal. All borders are fake. The United States is stollen land from the Native's.
I detest armed conflict, war, needless and gratuitous indiscriminate killing, as, I feel fairly confident do all right-minded, caring human beings of conscience.
However, as those same people have readily seen, acknowledged and highlighted, the actions of Netanyahu and Israel since 8 October 2023 under the false justification of 'self defense' have been not only completely disproportionate to any tragedy and loss of life suffered by the Israeli population but have shown an indisputable callous, cruelty and gruesome malevolence such as equals the worst excesses of the National Socialists in WWII and the Killing Field atrocities of Idi Amin.
Taking into account, also, that Palestinians had their land forcibly taken away from them without consultation by colonial powers, notably England, Germany and the US and have since effectively been held hostage by Israel and denied an opportunity to live decently and develop a society in pace with other nations, whilst I don't condone killing or terror, it is at least understandable that the military wing of Hamas finally mounted resistance to Israel in an attempt to release Palestinian people from their occupiers. - Something which an occupied people have every right to do under International Law.
In contrast, Israel has violated probably every international covenant or agreement designed to protect human rights and avoid and/or minimise harm to civilians when warfare occurs. Netanyahu has demeaned the World order by his clear disdain for the United Nations and associated agencies composed of justices and others from a wide variety of otherwise often quite dissimilar nations across the World.
As bad as all this is the hypocrisy of so-called and what are generally accepted to be bastions of democracy, freedom and progress. Nations such as the United Kingdom, Germany and notably the United States which, although regularly criticising other nations, particular non-christian ones, for violations of rights and actions destructive of world peace, has and is providing the very funding and weaponry that allows Israel to conduct its campaign of genocide and, apparently, now even use to attack and breach the borders of any nation when it chooses to do so and to do it with impunity and the total hypocritical support of those very 'bastions of democracy and freedom'.
It must be. and the protests around the World and in those nations I've mentioned demonstrate that it is, horrifying and offensive to all right-thinking, compassionate and caring people that this carnage and genocidal destruction is being allowed to continue and even being supported by the very nations who claim the 'high moral ground' on the international stage.
I have been on this Earth for almost 80 years now and I have witnessed or been aware of much senseless violence and obnoxious cruelty both overt and insidious. However, perhaps I am a very naive person but I never thought I would again see such destruction of life and infrastructure and denial of reason after the experiences of the two World Wars, the Holocaust and subsequent atrocities committed by various national governments and their agencies, including the war in Vietnam and the tragedy for the Afghanistan people of their being taken over by a mindless and insane myth believing set of male demagogues, the Taliban.
Although I have had no direct part in it and have opposed and decried it in many forums and on many platforms, I now feel deeply ashamed that my fellow countrymen and some women in the Western World support governments which use their people's resources to support Netanyahu and his barbaric and criminal actions.
It is horrendous enough that we have an increase in right-wing, even Nazi friendly activity and political action across the World and a division in the US caused by the rise of billionaires and an insane, unstable and demented demagogue, Donald Trump, who may well become the occupier of the Presidency once again.
I have no religion but if I did I would be asking all of the thousands of gods that humanity has worshipped throughout its history - or at least the supposedly beneficient ones - to intervene and stop this madness and instill some rationality, reason and compassion into those who support it.
It seems to me that it is not unreasonable now for one to ask: Is this the start of Armageddon!
'Killing Field atrocities of Idi Amin'. Did you mean to say Pol Pot?
No, I just mixed up the terminology. It was Idi Amin's atrocities that were in my mind but you are right that the "Killing Fields" term is associated with Pol Pot's brutality. The point, of course, is the same, whichever is used because what Israel is doing is similarly atrocious. However, yes, you are right to point out the association flaw.
For your interest:
I wish I didn't feel like karma was now visiting a certain demographic. It is time for balance to return to this area though.
I watched a movie that depicted the entire issue. I feel depleted by the horror a lot of the world I live in has perpetrated.
This evil has to countered and it appears that it's now starting. Near 40,000 lives have been squandered by this penchant of destruction. So be it!
The USA and Isreal are but one country, separated by oceans. And both countries will likely get what they have brought on themselves.
They are two of many countries which are obedient to the totalitarian globalists.
They are going to be robbed by forces they were foolish enough to trust. They will be instrumental in the final stage of a two-thousand-year-old plan.
Our leadership is void of everything worthless armchair elites who have not an ounce of strategic or tactical senseanf are bankrupt
Ballistic missile strikes are not ‘shelling’……😵💫
Standards of decency were non-existent on 7.10.23; 600.00 Israelis cannot return to their homes on the northern border; using the population as human sheilds is hardly decent.
Henderson believes the propaganda and misinformation being dished out by the Moslem terrorists. Mass Formation psychosis perhaps?
No, I very much doubt that and certainly there is no evidence in it in any of his writing that I have read. It doesn't even require research skill or any significant depth of searching to discover the historical background to the current conflict nor to reveal the extent of cruel repression and persecution of the Palestinian people by Israel, which stands on the lands from which the Palestinians were dispossessed, without even the courtesy of consultation and at the behest of a Zionist lobby which played on the wide feelings of sympathy for the persecution of Jewish people in Europe, particularly at the hands of the National Socialists of Germany. Indeed, it is horrendously paradoxical that a religious people which has been victim of such suffering should now replicate those horrors on others.
That the nation which saw the birth of Western democracy, the UK and the nation which did so much to defeat the tyranny wrought by Germany and its allies in WWII, the USA, not only hypocritically repeat and support Netanyahu's totally disingenuous statements and feed his nations genocidal, illegal, immoral and despicable actions makes them complicit in the breaches of international law and removes any credibility they still have as being nations supporting freedom, democracy and human rights.
So, you, FreedomFighter need to cease to comment unless and until you can inform yourself accurately of the facts and reality, rather than spouting prejudiced nonsense which shows you to have no understanding of history, geo-political realities or what is actually meant by 'terrorist' or 'freedom fighter' and how they are interchangeable depending on who is using the terms. In other words, they are simply emotive diversions meant to subvert objective understanding and analysis.