There is always so much more to anything than meets the eye. The Rothchilds are a plague to humanity. Their desire to dominate the world will be their final undoing. It is discouraging to watch humans manipulate and do unspeakable things to each other in order to rule all.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I keep telling people that Trump is no savior but I don't think many are listening. There are some good things happening but I wonder when the rug will be jerked out from under us?
Thank you Jesus that my faith is not in earthly kings n things:-)
I’m questioning the purpose of some of Trump’s EOs and stated interests. He’s embraced AI, mRNA vaccines, and he’s introducing the concept of uniting the North American continent. These are all globalist dreams. We seem to edge ever closer to some sort of manufactured reality no matter who is in power.
In cleaning house, Trump is disbanding the established structure, but to a degree that will render us a strange new America, not just one devoid of corruption, but one that lacks familiar scaffolding. While some amount of disruption is needed in a country as wayward as the United States, too much disruption delivered too quickly will simply plunge the nation into chaos. And chaos can then be exploited by the very globalists Trump says he is against.
I’m also not a devout worshipper of Israel, but rather favor a foreign policy that is not dependent on Israel’s favor or future.
Trump has also agreed to fund the Ukraine war in exchange for their natural resources. He said he’d end the Ukraine war within 24 hours of his presidency. Now we’re exploiting Ukraine’s resources?
And he wants to occupy Gaza, which is a bizarre concept until you realize his son-in-law has been spearheading development in that region for the past year or more. Gaza is ripe for development with an amazing port and geographical superiority, and so it fits perfectly into plans for a “new world.”
I don’t see his actions as perfectly aligned with MAGA, but more of a breakout to an outlier agenda that is most unexpected. Even MAGA folks are a bit wide eyed.
Trump is creating something that reaches way beyond our borders—a “new world” if you will. MAGA expected reforms that took poisons out of our food, the Fed out of our wallet, and corruption out of our government. And while he is placating us to a degree, he is also using his mandate to impose an agenda that seemed to come out of nowhere. Gaza? Greenland? Panama?
I’m worried about the harms of vaccines, the takeover of AI, toxic food, and I have a long wish list of America-centered reforms. I don’t have a solid opinion of what’s unfolding right now, but I am watchful, as always. It is foolish not to be. If you look very closely at just about everything, it isn’t too hard to see the man behind the curtain. You can feel the system—-at doctor’s appointments, at your bank, your job. The system is already here and we are living in it. When you see it from that vantage point, it helps to put it all into context.
The corrupt systems stay in place when the people comply/participate with the systems. What does non-participation look like? That is for each of us to decide.
Where do we spend our money and our time? To what do we devote our energy and attention? How do we take care of our own health? What type of practitioners do we see when we need assistance with our health care? What food producers do we support? Those who are local to us who use kind care for animals and the earth and produce unprocessed organic and or biodynamic food or corporately run "food" companies? Where do we shop? Do we support local independently-owned stores, or corporate chains? How do we educate ourselves? Do we research on our own utilizing critical thinking and the ability to continuously question ourselves and others to keep refining our comprehensions or do we go through corporate education systems called universities? Think about it. The word, "university", a Universe + city! A one verse city. Do we want to learn and live in a One Verse City otherwise known as a compliant hive mind?
Who produces the clothing we choose to wear, the electronic devices we choose to use, etc., etc. My work has been to pull my spending away little by little from those I do not wish to support and apply it towards my local independent community or my greater independent US community. There are many other avenues I have found that allow one to legally remove oneself from the systems. The loopholes are there. First step is to ask yourself: What am I not feeling aligned to as far as the way I live my life, the way I spend my time, the way I spend my money. Then find the way to extract yourself out of those parts of the system. I continue working on this, bit by bit, and feel that every bit makes a difference.
Thank you. You have summarized my feeling exactly. I have a feeling are witnessing The Great Reset. We were told when it happens, it’s going happen so fast that people will be blindsided.
Trump has talked about freedom cities = fifteen minute city. Yet he also talks about 1913 and abolishing the income tax, while making sure we know that he rehung Andrew Jackson back on the wall in the Oval Office.
Most concerning is his embracing private public partnerships. The Stargate project scares the hell out of me.
Also, this cult like hero worship of Elon Musk? Republicans will dismiss his trans human ideology.
I think he plays marbles and tittly-winks while they play chess! He has the mind of a 4th grader and is not capable of profound concepts. However, his banking family masters (since he was born he's been fed by them) do play chess!
Will read later. A quick note. DON'T BE FOOLED BY TRUMPITE!
DOGE = Department of Gas-Lighting Efficiency
That's right! Just about when the populace had a chance to figure out what's behind those curtains.....they bring their role player (the peoples savior.......pffffttt) in named Trumpite and all the other chess pieces (because he doesn't play 7D chess but the banking families DO). Trump moves the pieces around that he is ordered too.
All of a sudden, all that corruption goes bye-bye? Yeah, sure. What a GONG show and a GASLIGHT show they put on! I forgot.
Remember, what "THEY" the US Offshore Banking Family Guvahmint likes to do is: Tell you that this is being done, and that is being done, and everything is okay.....They tell you this will be done, but it won't be and its NOT. Even if it IS DONE, they caused the problem in the first place so they're just finishing up their PSYOP mess and cleaning it up. That's right!
Make people so upset about boys playing girls sports, being in girls locker rooms, and running their tranny psyop....make it so bad and mischievous - and then bring in their savior (Trumpite) to clean up the mess. We cured the tranny problem! You know, the one we psyoped you with in the 1st place. Same with illegals! See above!
Hey, keep looking over there at that tranny problem while we rob you of your freedom and steal all your resources in broad daylight. Ha ha ha. Got you again! You stupid sheeple!
Let me RE-introduce you to Trumpite: The man with the baby golden spoon that will save you: YOU, whom he cares so much about - the common Joe. Yeah, sure thing again!
When will the people ever learn? Trump is NOT a common man, and he's never lifted a 40 lb. box in his life - someone else always has for how and why could the common man get behind him and be so ignorant?
Ignorance and stupidity do exist but it is our penchant for self deception that explains the common man always running after one huckster or another. We want to believe the lie. So we do.
It's a spiritual problem, not an intellectual one.
Yo Ho Ro Ho a Pirates life for me. We rape, we pillage, we plunder …it is what it is. PNAC\Oded Yinon Plan/The Greater Israel Project is a real agenda. So many plates in the air @ the shit show Zircus theatre it doesn’t matter to them. Just keep the ponzi money printing game going. No telling how many billions they actually siphoned off from Zewkraine not to mention USAID & other NGO’s. Drump still won’t go after Soros which has never really been articulated but we all know he’s a protected secret hand gesture signal society member. This time people got to see what Nazism really is & not exclusively misattributed to Hitler ideology & twistory. Anybody else notice that NATO (Nazi Atlantic Terrorist Organization) isn’t on the news anymore ? Lol
When I heard the announcement of the USA taking over Gaza I assumed it would be a money-spinner for Trump himself, what with all that land-clearing and rebuilding he spoke about. Dean's deeper insights add to that initial impression.
Trump may be someone else's puppet right now, but he will be a mega-rich puppet if this goes ahead!
Thanks. This is the first analysis (for me) of the Gaza plan that explains the business deals behind it. And, silly me, I thought that Bibi et al just liked killing Palestinians and stealing their land. Question: Did the Brits have "greater Israel" in mind from the time of the Balfour agreement? Question #2: Is it Possible that trickster Trump really has the welfare of Palestinians in mind at all? And did he sucker punch the genocidal Bibi? Crystal ball time?
Better here, Dean. But read me well: there is no Resistance Axel. They are all in the same crook basket, Iran, China, Russia, all of them. All together fot the Global Tyranny. We are at it now. All I can do is praying for an accelaration of the doom, as Witggenstein wisely advise.
Thats why i only trust people from the below, not the above...and they did plant lots of agent amongst us.Thats also why i urge for all us to make a list of the gatekeepers of this world. A naughty list of whom not to trust.
L'accelerationisme est une des voies des fabiens pour revenir rapidement sous les deux bon quadrans profitables a l'humanité. Je ne suis pas garant de cette methode puisqu'employé par l'ennemis contre nous.
I mean, in an utopic world where stability would rule, that method would be quite another way of thinking, we are so doomed. Now would really be one of the few time i would rather strip fast the bandaid instead of slowly.
Life is such a messs nowaday that i can start going against your claim and end goin for it.
I got you well. I wasn't referring to the acceleration theory. I am not into that either, the collapsology stuff and that kind of looser propaganda shit. Fabian ways, yes, we should not forget, thanks. My way would be the fast stripping bandaid, sure thing :)
There is always so much more to anything than meets the eye. The Rothchilds are a plague to humanity. Their desire to dominate the world will be their final undoing. It is discouraging to watch humans manipulate and do unspeakable things to each other in order to rule all.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I keep telling people that Trump is no savior but I don't think many are listening. There are some good things happening but I wonder when the rug will be jerked out from under us?
Thank you Jesus that my faith is not in earthly kings n things:-)
Is Trump the real deal or is there just one team?
My response to a FB post:
I’m questioning the purpose of some of Trump’s EOs and stated interests. He’s embraced AI, mRNA vaccines, and he’s introducing the concept of uniting the North American continent. These are all globalist dreams. We seem to edge ever closer to some sort of manufactured reality no matter who is in power.
In cleaning house, Trump is disbanding the established structure, but to a degree that will render us a strange new America, not just one devoid of corruption, but one that lacks familiar scaffolding. While some amount of disruption is needed in a country as wayward as the United States, too much disruption delivered too quickly will simply plunge the nation into chaos. And chaos can then be exploited by the very globalists Trump says he is against.
I’m also not a devout worshipper of Israel, but rather favor a foreign policy that is not dependent on Israel’s favor or future.
Trump has also agreed to fund the Ukraine war in exchange for their natural resources. He said he’d end the Ukraine war within 24 hours of his presidency. Now we’re exploiting Ukraine’s resources?
And he wants to occupy Gaza, which is a bizarre concept until you realize his son-in-law has been spearheading development in that region for the past year or more. Gaza is ripe for development with an amazing port and geographical superiority, and so it fits perfectly into plans for a “new world.”
I don’t see his actions as perfectly aligned with MAGA, but more of a breakout to an outlier agenda that is most unexpected. Even MAGA folks are a bit wide eyed.
Trump is creating something that reaches way beyond our borders—a “new world” if you will. MAGA expected reforms that took poisons out of our food, the Fed out of our wallet, and corruption out of our government. And while he is placating us to a degree, he is also using his mandate to impose an agenda that seemed to come out of nowhere. Gaza? Greenland? Panama?
I’m worried about the harms of vaccines, the takeover of AI, toxic food, and I have a long wish list of America-centered reforms. I don’t have a solid opinion of what’s unfolding right now, but I am watchful, as always. It is foolish not to be. If you look very closely at just about everything, it isn’t too hard to see the man behind the curtain. You can feel the system—-at doctor’s appointments, at your bank, your job. The system is already here and we are living in it. When you see it from that vantage point, it helps to put it all into context.
That system isn’t going anywhere.
The corrupt systems stay in place when the people comply/participate with the systems. What does non-participation look like? That is for each of us to decide.
Where do we spend our money and our time? To what do we devote our energy and attention? How do we take care of our own health? What type of practitioners do we see when we need assistance with our health care? What food producers do we support? Those who are local to us who use kind care for animals and the earth and produce unprocessed organic and or biodynamic food or corporately run "food" companies? Where do we shop? Do we support local independently-owned stores, or corporate chains? How do we educate ourselves? Do we research on our own utilizing critical thinking and the ability to continuously question ourselves and others to keep refining our comprehensions or do we go through corporate education systems called universities? Think about it. The word, "university", a Universe + city! A one verse city. Do we want to learn and live in a One Verse City otherwise known as a compliant hive mind?
Who produces the clothing we choose to wear, the electronic devices we choose to use, etc., etc. My work has been to pull my spending away little by little from those I do not wish to support and apply it towards my local independent community or my greater independent US community. There are many other avenues I have found that allow one to legally remove oneself from the systems. The loopholes are there. First step is to ask yourself: What am I not feeling aligned to as far as the way I live my life, the way I spend my time, the way I spend my money. Then find the way to extract yourself out of those parts of the system. I continue working on this, bit by bit, and feel that every bit makes a difference.
Thank you. You have summarized my feeling exactly. I have a feeling are witnessing The Great Reset. We were told when it happens, it’s going happen so fast that people will be blindsided.
Trump has talked about freedom cities = fifteen minute city. Yet he also talks about 1913 and abolishing the income tax, while making sure we know that he rehung Andrew Jackson back on the wall in the Oval Office.
Most concerning is his embracing private public partnerships. The Stargate project scares the hell out of me.
Also, this cult like hero worship of Elon Musk? Republicans will dismiss his trans human ideology.
I feel like we’re being played.
I’m praying for the best, but fearing the worst.
The City of London Cult of Destruction....Does SERCO sounds a bell to you ????
Amen, Brother
Yes, Donald is subservient to the Israelites. It has been apparent for years to the informed and perceptive, but after yesterday it’s blatant. 👎
IMO Trump is playing chess with checkers players.
LOL, to me it looks like he is the checkers player and the others are playing chess.
I think he plays marbles and tittly-winks while they play chess! He has the mind of a 4th grader and is not capable of profound concepts. However, his banking family masters (since he was born he's been fed by them) do play chess!
What's wrong with peace on earth? Israel is already over. It will be called Judea and under Turkey's protection, say Ben Fulford, Jim Willie etc.
Jews aren't Israelites, they admit so much in the Jewish Encyclopedia.
…a rose by any other name…
Could semantics evolve to the point that Jews who live in today’s ever expanding Israel be called Israelites?
Yup Trump is a wrong un. USA being destroyed by Israel
Will read later. A quick note. DON'T BE FOOLED BY TRUMPITE!
DOGE = Department of Gas-Lighting Efficiency
That's right! Just about when the populace had a chance to figure out what's behind those curtains.....they bring their role player (the peoples savior.......pffffttt) in named Trumpite and all the other chess pieces (because he doesn't play 7D chess but the banking families DO). Trump moves the pieces around that he is ordered too.
All of a sudden, all that corruption goes bye-bye? Yeah, sure. What a GONG show and a GASLIGHT show they put on! I forgot.
Remember, what "THEY" the US Offshore Banking Family Guvahmint likes to do is: Tell you that this is being done, and that is being done, and everything is okay.....They tell you this will be done, but it won't be and its NOT. Even if it IS DONE, they caused the problem in the first place so they're just finishing up their PSYOP mess and cleaning it up. That's right!
Make people so upset about boys playing girls sports, being in girls locker rooms, and running their tranny psyop....make it so bad and mischievous - and then bring in their savior (Trumpite) to clean up the mess. We cured the tranny problem! You know, the one we psyoped you with in the 1st place. Same with illegals! See above!
Hey, keep looking over there at that tranny problem while we rob you of your freedom and steal all your resources in broad daylight. Ha ha ha. Got you again! You stupid sheeple!
Let me RE-introduce you to Trumpite: The man with the baby golden spoon that will save you: YOU, whom he cares so much about - the common Joe. Yeah, sure thing again!
When will the people ever learn? Trump is NOT a common man, and he's never lifted a 40 lb. box in his life - someone else always has for how and why could the common man get behind him and be so ignorant?
Ignorance and stupidity do exist but it is our penchant for self deception that explains the common man always running after one huckster or another. We want to believe the lie. So we do.
It's a spiritual problem, not an intellectual one.
Good article & read.
Yo Ho Ro Ho a Pirates life for me. We rape, we pillage, we plunder …it is what it is. PNAC\Oded Yinon Plan/The Greater Israel Project is a real agenda. So many plates in the air @ the shit show Zircus theatre it doesn’t matter to them. Just keep the ponzi money printing game going. No telling how many billions they actually siphoned off from Zewkraine not to mention USAID & other NGO’s. Drump still won’t go after Soros which has never really been articulated but we all know he’s a protected secret hand gesture signal society member. This time people got to see what Nazism really is & not exclusively misattributed to Hitler ideology & twistory. Anybody else notice that NATO (Nazi Atlantic Terrorist Organization) isn’t on the news anymore ? Lol
Juwkraine is a gigantic money laundering operation by the US Offshore Banking Family Guvahmint (USOBFG).
This is true,
Also a diversion while AI is being developed to take over all jobs.
The red road is a good path, that Dean has spoken about!
Unite brothers and sisters, do not let them divide us!
Thanks you Dean for all your insights.
The truth .Zionist 9/11 JFK WAKE UP PEOPLE ISRAEL YUCK
When I heard the announcement of the USA taking over Gaza I assumed it would be a money-spinner for Trump himself, what with all that land-clearing and rebuilding he spoke about. Dean's deeper insights add to that initial impression.
Trump may be someone else's puppet right now, but he will be a mega-rich puppet if this goes ahead!
Thanks. I needed that.
Thanks. This is the first analysis (for me) of the Gaza plan that explains the business deals behind it. And, silly me, I thought that Bibi et al just liked killing Palestinians and stealing their land. Question: Did the Brits have "greater Israel" in mind from the time of the Balfour agreement? Question #2: Is it Possible that trickster Trump really has the welfare of Palestinians in mind at all? And did he sucker punch the genocidal Bibi? Crystal ball time?
The Annunaki Crown billionaire class are very naughty. They are making the Great White Spirit angry.
You, Dean, make the Great White Spirit happy. x
Great article Dean - spot on about the true motivation for the Gaza ghetto genocide - and you laid out the key historical links neatly. Thanks.
Excellent writing. Thank you.
Better here, Dean. But read me well: there is no Resistance Axel. They are all in the same crook basket, Iran, China, Russia, all of them. All together fot the Global Tyranny. We are at it now. All I can do is praying for an accelaration of the doom, as Witggenstein wisely advise.
Thats why i only trust people from the below, not the above...and they did plant lots of agent amongst us.Thats also why i urge for all us to make a list of the gatekeepers of this world. A naughty list of whom not to trust.
L'accelerationisme est une des voies des fabiens pour revenir rapidement sous les deux bon quadrans profitables a l'humanité. Je ne suis pas garant de cette methode puisqu'employé par l'ennemis contre nous.
I mean, in an utopic world where stability would rule, that method would be quite another way of thinking, we are so doomed. Now would really be one of the few time i would rather strip fast the bandaid instead of slowly.
Life is such a messs nowaday that i can start going against your claim and end goin for it.
🙉🙊🙈 🙃🙂🙃 ✌️😎👍
I got you well. I wasn't referring to the acceleration theory. I am not into that either, the collapsology stuff and that kind of looser propaganda shit. Fabian ways, yes, we should not forget, thanks. My way would be the fast stripping bandaid, sure thing :)
Are the Rothchilds Kharzarian? or vise versa?
Yes, they were the Baccarat family in Khazaria, then the Bauers, then the Rothschilds. Some are now Cohens.