Aug 13Liked by Dean Henderson

Dean, I worked for a short time with the 2nd largest computer company in the world behind IBM----(S. Valley)starts with an F.

The Japanese workers did not mingle with us and worked early morning til late---after that they were REQUIRED to go drinking with the Boss til early in the AM. The young man next to be smoked constantly and was always hungover. I asked him one time---"Y'all should relax and spend time at home with your wife and new baby."--"I can't--I must go--it's required by the boss". Who would show up about 11:00 well rested.

My Daddy fought them in WWII, hand to hand combat (Philippines) and disdained them like no other race (My Daddy was American Indian).

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Aug 13Liked by Dean Henderson

Thank You, I've learned something new today about another part of the world and it's people. 🤍

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I’m all in and totaly agree with the ending of this writting. Thats the true solution👍 thanks cause i knew little about japanese culture. Always love to learn about new stuff🙏

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Aug 13Liked by Dean Henderson

Hey! Like that taking down of one mirror in the neo-colonial hall of mirrors. Western racism at Kobe U.

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Hi Dean,

I have lived in Bangkok, Thailand for just over 20 years. Went to school and university, learned the language, which was the second hardest thing I ever did in my life, then wrote my first book in Thai, about challenge they have with English pronunciation, and while doing it invented a brand new, revolutionary way to teach reading and pronunciation, which I call PIPPASS™ - and that project was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. Nearly 8 years of my life.

But the journey in language and culture was enlightening, and today I find that I am perhaps best described as a hybrid - I am still a westerner but I am very much influenced by Asia, especially Thais.

Living here I have met many Japanese and your essay answers many of the questions I have asked about what makes them who they are. And the details you give about the rise and rise of oligarchy are interesting. It makes me also suspect that those six families were likely guided by the hidden global empire that arrived via groups like the Jesuits - I see the fingerprints of the British monarchy system all over Thailand, and in the formation of the Bhutan monarchy, not to mention all of the Arab oil monarchies - all brand new entities in historical terms. And all developed societies that have centralized power and wealth.

I absolutely agree that smaller decentralized states are the key - the Lefits are never genuine Lefitsts - all of those that promote centralization of power are really closet communists working for the global cabal - the true communists are the Monarchies, bankers and the billionaires. Period.

Which is why society is organized the way it is.

May I suggest a revision in your thoughts on one thing.

Capitalism is not the problem - it is MONOPOLY CAPITALISM - even Vladmir Lenin in his 1916 book Imperialism the Last Stage of Capitalism spells that out - I doubt he wrote that book it was really a guide for the communists to take all control and all the wealth through the banking and central banking system - just as the CCP has done!!!!

The true communists are those that own the central banks because that is a parasitic and wealth extraction and slavery machine.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Author

Interesting, I just read that book by Lenin. Turns out he was both a revolutionary & a "conspiracy theorist". Hmm...

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Do you ever reread these books. I have found that every time I reread I understand it more and more and fathom the intentions of the books for the cabals agenda. I am rereading the Protocols for the 4th time, and rereading Bernard Russell's 'The Impact of Science on Society' for the 3rd time at the moment.

Lenin was not a 'conspiracy theorist' he was the Zion Empire's bankers man.

The book was a "How to use the banking to seize control over all the means of production" guide.

Every communist nation gets a central bank just before or just after they become communist.

China is one of the few nations in the world where the CCP owns its own banking system - and is using it as a weapon right now to smash the Chinese people back into poverty and steal all the wealth they created over the last 50 years.

Are you aware that China has no bankruptcy laws - you lose your real estate to the banks you still owe them.


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Aug 14Liked by Dean Henderson

If I recall the UK once led the world in auto manufacturing, ship building, and other industries until the US took the title, but thanks to Demming and others, the Japanese surpassed them all in less time. Recently South Korea is seeking the same title (but not quite there in terms of quality and reliability). Martin Armstrong has long said the world financial center would shift from NY to Asia (it went from London to NY).

I believe the wealthiest (and most corrupt) nation not to be Japan, but Switzerland. They are home to CERN, BIS, IMF, Red Cross, WEF, WHO, military fortresses and radar/satellite bases, etc. and my guess is their money is hidden from all outsiders and stats (sort of like the Black Nobilty families).

Japan did not become a melting pot of races and cultures like other countries - it was a closed nation for quite some time. It has been written that Pearl Harbor attacks were known in advance and most fleets were not in the home base, because the purpose was to justify bringing the US into world war (maybe so Rockefeller could profit from middle east oil?). One last tidbit, Michael Palmer wrote an interesting book "Hiroshima Revisited" and details evidence the atomic bombs were fake. We're finding out a lot of our history (e.g. moon landing) was faked and we were lied to, and Michael Palmer makes an interesting case for this (and it made for a good movie, "Oppenheimer").

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Aug 13Liked by Dean Henderson

THE SICKNESS IS THE SYSTEM: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us From Pandemics or Itself.

Author: Richard D. Wolff.

Also by Richard D. Wolff: UNDERSTANDING MARXISM.


MUTUAL AID: A Factor of Evolution by, Peter Kropotkin.

WACO: A Survivor’s Story by, David Thibodeau.

With Leon Whitedon and Aviva Layton.

Hachette Books 2018. Updated and revised edition.

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Aug 13Liked by Dean Henderson

NOT IN OUR GENES: Biology, Ideology,and Human Nature.

Authors: R.C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin


Author: R.C. Lewontin. He also wrote, The Dialectical Biologist and The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change.

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