May 5Liked by Dean Henderson

Thanks everlasting to Zechariah Zitchin and Immanuel Velikovski, both derided and banned by official "experts". Velikovski's findings of the worldwide flood put the lie to the prediction off "insiders" that the latter have found safe places underground with tax payer monies, from the return ecliptic of Planet X and the asteroids in its tail. The last ecliptic brought a comet to Canada and 3000 foot tidal waves traveling back and for over the planet. The Younger Dryas Impact 11000 B.C. The biblical flood recorded also in the Egyptian "Bronze Bible" passed down among the elite. (Thank you Velikovski.) It's not for nothing that elite empires were obsessed with astronomy. And Moai looking up. And Gobleke Tepe comet stele as a "reminder".

In ay case I'm going with the alternative beginning in Gen.6, sons of god/rebel angels mated with daughters of mrn to produce t h e demi-god giants or titans of ancient pantheon. The rulers of pre-flood empires, creating hybrid life with their partial knowledge gotten from living with the one true God, God, before they saw the daughters of mankind.

It's not for nothing that the bloodlines have quicly disposed of evidence of their forebearers the giants (giant bones across America, giant bones in Sicily -Tim Alberino videos...). Nephilim, Michael Heiser, et al.

The world can't know they are not the good guys. Deut.2:11-12.

I'm going with the alternate version of origins -- but ends up with the same bad guys wanting now via transhuman nano bot infusions plus 5g activation of those infusions among other things -- to recapture their pre-flood rule of the earth. For them and them only, the "good old days." For humans, enslavement via food control, media control, hybrids, cyborgs, robots, supersoldiers.

The funny, as in "strange," thing is that the transhumanists really think they can live forever if their minds are encased in machines or computers. In truth (truth, not their area of expertise), the human mind would go insane without the human body or sentience, the five senses. Nor do transhumanists know the slightest thing about agape love/the conscience on which humanity is modeled. Image of God.

They don't mind infusing humans with highly toxic self-assembling nano bots. It doesn't even occur to them as synthetic biologists that metals and humans don't mix. That's finite lego-like "mechanics," not the infinite mystery of the human body and human beings.

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May 5·edited May 5Liked by Dean Henderson

thank you. peice does not say what yr the sumerian tablets were unearthed. also, i'm not getting how all? semitic people are also "annunaki" . This peice does not mention the connection between Rh neg & Annunaki which i am interested in

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Stay tuned Mary & Nicole. I get into it in an upcoming chapter...

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I have the same questions

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Inquiring Want To Know!

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May 5Liked by Dean Henderson

Dean, I wasn't sure if you had seen this post of mine:


Hyksos is a Greek name for what the Egyptians called Heka Khasut; these were the rulers of the Habiru later called Hebrew.

The story of Exodus and the so called Israelites in Ancient Egypt (Tau Wei) is as much told as it is contrived. There were some ancient infiltrations that happened in Tau Wei, [ 𓏏𓅃𓇌 ] they were not written into the Old Testament accurately. The OT, in it’s present form, was likely written sometime …. more recently and from the point of view of the Israelites and their Hyksos / Hebrew ancestors. At the time of the occupation, Egyptians called them , Heka Khasut / HqA xAswt / 𓉔𓎡 𓇨𓋴𓅃𓏏𓄎 meaning “rulers of foreign lands.” As opposed to nswt, which transliterates to Neshua as a general title of King.

I am still refining my comprehension in the historical sense, I have had the impression that all the Biblical stuff is a Story Inversion.

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