Hi Dean,

Thanks for sharing your book's chapters. Fascinating stuff. You've done some incredibly deep and broad research, and the insights shine through. Can I ask you some questions please?

I wondered why you call the 4 oil companies the 4 Horseman? Do these 4 oil companies dominate the oil industry globally?

When you said that the Rhodes Roundtable were determined to return America to the British Crown, hasn't that coup long been completed? With the takeover of the money supply, and gold, through the 1913 Federal Reserve Act (treachery), that was the final piece in the jigsaw that enabled the oligarchs to destroy all the small to medium banks, drive millions of US farmers, and others worldwide, into bankruptcy and off the land, the purpose IMHO of the Great Depression, creating countless millions of impoverished people who eagerly filled the factories for the war machine (same thing is happening in China today), and by the end of WW2 not only did the cabal have complete control over the entire US economy, banking and industry, built and handed the baton from Britain to the USA for the Military Industrial Complex and intelligence networks with the CIA, but the Bretton Woods Agreement - really the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (banksters) - put in place the structure for the supranational network of tyranny under the UN-WEF partnership. The coup was achieved in 1913 - would you agree?

Last question if I may. When you say the "British Crown" - what do you mean by 'The Crown' - are you referring to the City of London Corporation, also known as the Crown, which is ultimately through the Magna Carta under the power of the Vatican as Frances Leader explains it - and so ultimately The Crown is the Vatican?



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Yes, yes & no Ivan.

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So what 'Crown' are you referring to?

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The single Annunaki bloodline. Any king, queen, or other titled usurper of Creator's preeminence. For me they hide behind many different institutions.. One is the Catholic Church tho' nowadays they utilize the Anglican and evangelical churches more. Another is the Royal Society and all its tentacles (official science). Their favorite right now: the Woke Movement. Publicly they stake out the moral/intellectual high ground, then they coerce the people into their systems (religious, scientific, media, money system, et al). All their systems are based on carefully crafted lies.

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It appears we are very much on the same page then.

Do you have any thoughts on what Annunaki bloodlines - or just all of them that claim the divine right to rule?

I would argue that throughout history all those who claimed to be 'king, queen, or other titled usurper of Creator's preeminence' have all been evil, but all of the various Monarchy Imperial Cults have been waging war on each other to become the one to rule all - while you've identified institutions that they use to advance their agenda, have you any thoughts on defining that group?

I believe the supremely evil group that has dominated the others throughout history are those that are descendants of Enlil, also called Yahweh by the monotheists, and those descendants of Enki that swore allegiance to Enlil, and that would be the man they call Abraham. And due to this lineages transformation in names, it's hard to brand them, but all roads lead to these things:

1. Monotheism: The cult of Yahweh - (Babylonian Talmud, Christianity, Islam) - which is monotheism, which is for the claim of the kingship of one true god, that enslaves followers under the power of the priests.

2. Banking - usury and theft

3. Perpetual wars - never ending destruction of

4. Hate

5. Intolerance

6. Propaganda


Because all roads lead to Zion, even their plan for Armageddon - the End Times, I call the inner group the Zion Imperial Cult, and all those working for this group the Zion Imperial Empire - the true hidden Deep State.

An Empire of Evil.

All roads lead to Zion, not to Rome.

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Yes it is - and last night watching a Robert Sepehr video I got another confirmation of something that I have long suspected.

The "lost tribes of Israel" have NEVER BEEN LOST, only to public scrutiny, their elites and nobles all migrated to Europe and became part of the ruling classes, monarchies, nobles, aristocrats.

Sepehr identified them using the comments of historian Timothy Wallace-Murphy, who tells us of the group Rex Deus (Latin for God-Kings), and said that they founded the Knight's Templars, the original Zionists, who went to Palestine to recover the lost treasures and ancient texts cached by their ancestors. And the same group started the Freemason network as we know it today. I first identified this from the Lion of Judah, which all the monarchies, and even Donald Trump have in their coat of arms. The lion of Judah is Zion.

I have wondered for a long time why the waged the wars of the Crusades. And there is the answer.

As I said all roads lead to Zion.

They are not Jews. They are the Zion Imperial Cult, the descendants of the Annunaki elites.

We are ruled today by the psychopathic descendants of the Annunaki's elites that come from the line of Abraham and made a covenant with Enlil, to reestablish the Crown Monarchy Rule that existed pre-Great Flood, the New World Order, which means to kill off all the free men and women, which I believe are both the descendants of both the fallen angels, (which likely created the civilization Plato called Atlantis), those that rebelled against slavery, and the remote survivors after the Great Flood who escaped the Crown rule for generations, think the tribes of Europe before the Roman Empire took it over, all the way to the tribes in the Amazon, the Australian aborigines, and the Maori tribes...

It is the wars of the Crown Monarchy Rule that demands mankind be forced back into slavery. That's the Evil right there.

And it all leads to Zion.

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Sep 6Liked by Dean Henderson

The existence of this platform ( Substack) in which to expose the wiles of those exerting power over is wondrous. Tracy the lineage of the hatred that is here and truly will or would destroy the planet to rid themselves of us thanks for your additional stories. referencing Lucifer and his entry to the planet way back is a long time frame even thought this story begins in mansion’s of the Creator. We know it as the war in heaven between the fallen angels and God ( so to speak) we even have the Neocons along with the reptilian Draco who were conceived during those times. A very complex drama we know little about these days. The true stories twisted and distorted as is being done even today.

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Question to you, i have a point of view on it, but your expertise will hopefully sharpen my view on the subject. Or even better if i fallen in a rabbit hole, pick me out of it😁

So here goes: is baron Edmond de rothchild the one who was sent in prison by nazi? Or nathan? I heard something similar to what you wrote: as he is the father of israel… i rade that hitler with the concentration camp exode to south was the father of haifa.

So question simply put is: what do you think of the judeomacons conspiracy theory in europe? We in canada dont even know about our own intern scheme, so we are barely aware of it here, and i wish you can confirm my tought.

If u alrdy made a writting about it, my apologies i am always reading evryone evryday and i havent been free of my already started book before diving into yours.

Right now , im reading: instinct de

Mort, jacque mesrine-for a piece of personal work, and gary wayne genesis6conspiracy (2 huge brick) on expanding my views over many related subject to whats happening in the underworld of our world. Your next in line and it may take a while.

But if tou covered the subject in one of your 7 books( hope i got it right) tell me wich one and ill probly start with it for my adventure into your mind.

Thanks 🙏

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Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse covers it the most

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thanks, if i had to guess i would have pick big oil and banker. So now i found my next read(i'll eventualy pass trough all of them, but who knows when one's time ends)

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Sep 6Liked by Dean Henderson

What is missing from the research is the influence of Jewish Zionism and the pact that Yahweh made with the tribe of Judah. Do you cover this in your books?

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Regarding Jewish Zionism - Frances Leader on her Substack just posted a great article recently that shows that it's actually the Zionists of the Roman Catholic Church, as the powers behind it, the. monarchy families, are all the lost tribes of Israel, e.g. the Rex Deus (literally god-kings), family group, and they formed all the Masonic lodges and knights orders, in particular the Knights Templars who were behind the Crusades, and this answered my big question as to why would a bunch of Europeans leave Europe and go across the world to slaughter Muslims and take Jerusalem - the answer: to recover the buried treasures and ancient texts buried by the priestly classes, who were all in bed with the Roman elites, when the temple burned and there was wars with the rebels. Frances maintains that it is the (hidden) Roman Empire 2.0 that wrote the protocols and they released it for their useful idiots written as if the Jews wrote it, but in reality it's the Roman Empire elites, who link back via bloodline to Zion. And remember the Jews are slaves to the cult of Yahweh and they are completely under the power of their priests and have been since the time of Moses, and they have always been an army of useful idiots for their elites who work hand in hand with the elites of the empires, so this means that the Jews often get the blame. And yes the evil Goyim hating Jews deserve some of it, but they are not the puppet masters. The Rex Deus families all claim to be descendants of the 24 priestly families who sat with the appointed King and ran the colony for the Romans. They are united by the symbols the Lion of Judah, and the Red Cross.

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Sep 5Liked by Dean Henderson

I need a dictionary for "sponsored" and "sister organization".

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Thanks for the restacks Fel, Marilyn, Suzan, Tracy & Judith Ann

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Dean, do you have your books being translated into other markets?

Interested in having them translated into Asian languages? E.g. Thai.

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