some of this I knew, but only very abstract ("Shell's bad!", "the IMF are criminals!"), so your article made many things more clear. in Indonesia, meanwhile, the military are back in power, with the recent election of Prabowo (former pres. Suharto's son-in-law). although they're wearing an expensive, neatly civilian suit.

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Yes, also the Marcos kid in the Philippines. Same shit, different day...

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absolutely. exposure is an essential first step. will look up your books. are you familiar with substack author Cynthia Chung? if not, perhaps this article is a good introduction to her work - https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/a-republic-if-we-can-phoenix-it-bret

referring to the military's infamous Operation Phoenix (Vietnam): "...The shocking statement “A Republic if we can Phoenix it” was how Bret Weinstein decided to end his speech during the “Rescue the Republic” event in Washington DC this past Sept. 29, 2024 – followed by an unblinking audience who clapped and cheered loudly with clearly no understanding whatsoever of what Weinstein was in fact calling for....".

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Tried to order your book on amazon and couldn't even after they sent me the code thru email. Hopefully others can test that to see if there is a problem. I never normally order anything from amazon.

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Weird Gayle, tho' I unfortunately in my world not surprising. Thanks for trying and hopefully another day it works. Even the CIA takes days off??

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Thanks for the restacks Julia, Michael, Viesha, Gail & Tracy!

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