Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Dean Henderson

Reading Big Oil currently, on the third book of yours in my line up, and 4th yellow marker. Some pages are so full of information that I quietly mutter to myself, "The WHOLE PAGE should be highlighted!" So I have stopped highlighting cuz it slows me down. Anyway, thank you for your important work. Blessings to you and Jill.

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Right on!

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The fact that these people control the debt of America sums up the game we are in. Most can't imagine what is said here. Powerful insights

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Thank goodness for thinkers, such as yourself - Creator bless ~

Now, to implement these wonderfully thought out ideas.

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Thanks Depswah!

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The Federal Reserve System needs to be abolished and replaced with “A New Monetary System with A New National Bank” that is owned by the citizens of the USA, unlike the Federal Reserve Central Bank that is privately owned.

A New Monetary System with A New National Bank


The Great Bankster Debt Scam!


It’s Time to Learn Real American Economics


History of Globalism: The American System of Political Economy Vs. The British System of Political Economy


The “Global” American System of Political Economy:

Russia, Germany, China, Japan, and Ireland


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Aug 18·edited Aug 18Liked by Dean Henderson

Hi Dean, this is a really great chapter with terrific solutions that apply to all nations in the world not just America, because the Central Banks Cartel, headed by the BIS, is a global cartel owned by the International Money Cartel - the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires behind the City of London, the Vatican, Washington DC, and the uncountable global institutions, and partnerships they have, e.g. with the CCP, which altogether makes up the Empire of Evil attacking mankind with their War on Humanity, that was kickstarted post Great Flood in the Age of Sumer, and this virus of the domestication of human beings like animals into the multiple slavery systems they have invented to suck out our wealth, health, and life's energy like the gigantic parasites thta they are - this virus is the true Evil, the virus mind set that mankind must be organized into Pyramids of Power, Engines fo Domination as Mark Courske calls them in his book and film of that name, so the power is centralized and Top Down Tyranny can be applied with not only the minimum of effort but also with no accountability because the hands that work the levers of power are so far removed from the public's eyes they never imagine the true evil are the people at the top - monarchies, bankers and billionaires. The true COMMUNISTS. And central banking is the greatest weapon for communists to SEIZE CONTROL OF ALL MEANS OF PRODUCTION - just as their agent Karl Marx said.

Ivan M. Paton

P.s. I restacked your article as it's GREAT!!!!

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Thanks Ivan!

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Thanks for the restacks Tracy, Trace, Depswah, Daniel, Tony & A.K!

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Ref: The film "The Big Short"

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