In May 2016 in Iraq 70 people were killed and over 100 more wounded when three ISIS bombs went off in the predominantly Shia Baghdad suburb of al-Shaab. Russian, Syrian and Hezbollah forces had by then largely obliterated ISIS positions in Syria, so the fake Islamists took their Zionist bloodbath to Iraq.
The Illuminati architects of the massive deception which ISIS represents are squirming. Both Iran and Russia now know that ISIS is a Western intelligence front. Trained by the CIA in Afghanistan to fight the Russians and the progressive Tariki government in Kabul in the late 1970’s, these former mujahadeen have since been used by the Agency and its masters at British Intelligence to fight proxy wars against left-wing governments worldwide.
The list of skullduggery is long: Iran, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Yemen and Syria come to mind. Operating under names like al Qaeda, Taliban, Takfiri, Wahhabi and now ISIS, the players remain the same. The British Crown Agency, which through its ownership of the Agha Khan Foundation in Pakistan, sits atop this pyramid of fake Muslim terror.
They used these assets as patsies to attack the United States on 911, utilizing their ownership of Securacom – which was run by Marvin Bush and held the security contract on the World Trade Center – to facilitate the mining of the elevator shafts which brought those buildings down.
The name ISIS should be the first red flag. This was the name of the Egyptian goddess whose name means “throne”. ISIS is part of the Babylonian trinity worshipped by Freemasons, Kabalists and their Muslim Brotherhood partners who run the House of Saud. All swear an oath of loyalty to the British Crown, whether they know it or not.
ISIS was known as the goddess of magic and listened to prayers of aristocrats and the wealthy. Her original Egyptian name was spelled Aset. From this is derived the word “asset” which in intelligence parlance means someone working for one of the secret society-infiltrated Western spy agencies. With the funding to the ISIS asset being funneled through Swiss bank accounts at the Warburg’s UBS Bank, it is indeed the bankers and Black Nobility of Europe who created ISIS as a means to carve out oil fiefdoms under the guise of a Greater Israel in the Middle East.
Already Israeli businessman are buying up land in northern Iraq, where ISIS has depopulated an entire region, overwhelming Europe with refugees in the process. Along the way ISIS has used its magic to systematically destroy ancient relics that hold the keys to understanding Arab culture and history, wiping out the centuries-old accomplishments of Muslims in the region.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that if ISIS were truly an orthodox Muslim group, this would be the last thing they would do on their way to the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the Levant. Rather, ISIS fighters were trained by the CIA in Jordan. Their wounded are treated in Israeli hospitals. And when Russian bombs rain down on them, these well-paid mercenaries take refuge in Turkey, where the Gray Wolves mafia facilitates the Afghanistan to Europe heroin traffic, ensuring both a long-term presence of US troops in Afghanistan and a new heroin epidemic here in the US.
It should surprise no one then that after over a year of US bombings in Syria, ISIS emerged stronger than ever. It took the Russians only a few days to inflict more damage on these assets than occurred during the prior year. This is because the US was never bombing ISIS. They were helping ISIS, while decimating the infrastructure of socialist Syria and clearing the area around ExxonMobil’s massive Kirkuk oil field in northern Iraq.
These magical assets steal oil from state-owned wells, robbing the people of Iraq and Syria, while flooding global markets with cheap oil to crash crude markets and destroy the petrodollar – a key part of the Rothschild-led bankers’ plan to bring in a global currency.
The Western media is ignorant to all of this, basing their stories, as usual, on phony intelligence reports. But Putin is now laying waste to ISIS and along with it the psyops fairy tale it always represented.
How the inbred Rothschild-led banksters and their Crown cohorts react will constitute the next chapter in this saga. The stakes are high for all of humanity as Putin leads the people in what could be the final battle to bring down these Luciferian enemies of mankind.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at
Why precisely did the empire "do" 911? Was it to bring in the Patriot Act/put a dent in the Constitution? Was it to ramp up neocon wars in the ME?
Why do it that way? Were there special documents or prosecution evidence in the Towers? Were they aiming at certain personnel in the bldg?
Did the brits want to make money on the stock market? Aren't there other ways to make a few billion?
Why that way? It is claimed recently that the planes were remote controlled because human pilots could not do that.(Redacted, Natali & Clayton Morris).
Is it a way of initiating terror attacks on America? Why so complex an event?
I obviously "don't get it". The "Why?"
Are the brits doing to the U.S.what they did to the Ottoman Empire? That doesn't make sense. America is their military arm.
Nothing but questions.
What's "The Great Game" in this?
Again Dean kudos thx for getting this out there its great to see the puppets grow silent as their exposed