Why precisely did the empire "do" 911? Was it to bring in the Patriot Act/put a dent in the Constitution? Was it to ramp up neocon wars in the ME?

Why do it that way? Were there special documents or prosecution evidence in the Towers? Were they aiming at certain personnel in the bldg?

Did the brits want to make money on the stock market? Aren't there other ways to make a few billion?

Why that way? It is claimed recently that the planes were remote controlled because human pilots could not do that.(Redacted, Natali & Clayton Morris).

Is it a way of initiating terror attacks on America? Why so complex an event?

I obviously "don't get it". The "Why?"

Are the brits doing to the U.S.what they did to the Ottoman Empire? That doesn't make sense. America is their military arm.

Nothing but questions.

What's "The Great Game" in this?

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Yeah! Those are some great questions to ask! Your first question about them putting in the Patriot Act is them attacking our Constitution, free speech and Americans right to privacy! They have to do something horrible like 9/11 inorder to influence Americans to agree to surveillance, tracking, and having our every move watched 24/7! That was a goal for 9/11! We Americans basically lost our rights to privacy that day! Your last question of What's "The Great Game" in all of this? It's definitely playing out! They want complete control over our lives! A complete surveillance state!

They are definitely playing a "Great Game" on us and today they're calling it a "Great Awakening", I call all of it a "Great Deception" and they are using Donald Trump to help bring in their New World Order as he's appearing to be "America First!" Trump is a Zionist and I believe that he is more loyal to Israel than to America and Americans!

Everything that's been going on since 2016--2020 I'm not buying any of it! I tried to support Trump but I couldn't after he started pushing the vaxx and calling himself "the father of the vaxx!" Even when Trump first got in in 2016 I got a nagging and uneasy feeling that Trump is playing us! So I too have nothing but questions and uneasy feelings about where all of this is headed!

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A simple answer is that the Great Game is aligned with the notion of Greater Israel. The wholly owned US government sending its troops to die for an Israeli agenda, and of course the destruction of the US Constitution by way of noxious legislation like the Patriot Act and the Anti Semitism Act.

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🎯🎯 yes! 💯 And Donald Trump will sell out America and Americans for Israel first chance he gets!

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Again Dean kudos thx for getting this out there its great to see the puppets grow silent as their exposed

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Yes! “It’s all bigger than I can tell you or you can tell me” “Drain The Swamp” Wasn’t Just A Campaign Slogan = “Change Occurs By The Will Of The People”!

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I always thought that ISIS meant Israeli State Infantry Services. 🥴

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Thank you so much, Dean.

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Good one Dean - Thank you kindly for bringing this to the light! Blessings ~

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Thanks for the restacks Major Tom, Tracy, Suzan, Julia, Depswah & Sovereign J!

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Surely Dean you know that Putin is part of the cabal; part of the game; part of the plan; and taking orders from the black nob controllers just like every other world "leader"?

Surely as an independent researcher you can see that too?

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🎯🎯 Yes! Putin is one of them too! I'm sure Dean knows this too with as much as he's been researching and looking into this! Putin is also a Freemason like Trump is, all the leaders have to be in that club! I think I've got my info correct in that they all have to belong to the club to get in any leadership positions! They all have an agenda and rub elbows in secret behind the scenes away from public view!

I don't know what to think about Putin? I keep seeing that he's fighting against the globalists and against the new world order? I don't trust any of them!

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Exactly. My question as well when Dean mentioned Putin fighting against the globalist cabal. I understand that Putin is also Chabad which literally makes him part of the rabid Zionist bunch who desires to own the world.

One thing no one is talking about are the massive oil fields that are off the shores of Palestine. That alone makes the decimation of that country fit the MO of the bankster cabal. The ruthlessness in destroying human life makes them evil to their core.

Yes Donald Trump is part and parcel of the Zionist cabal. He plays a great role but evil is at the core and bodes nothing good for the USA. We are an empire past its prime and becoming weaker every day. He is a bit of a wild card though. One wonders if he will completely follow the orders he is given.

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🎯🎯 💯 If people in America don't wake up we're gonna lose this country! Donald Trump has got the majority of Americans distracted by getting them to believe that he's the "savior" I try everyday to wake my husband up to who Trump really is but my husband continues to support Trump! We the people have to save America! Politicians don't give a damn about America they are loyal to and work for the globalists overlords!

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He takes direction from the black nobility like they all do. He's playing his role in the show.

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Putin is murdering Russians in Ukraine along with Ukrainians.

Putin is on the globalists team.

If Putin is destroying ISIS, then he is simply removing the evidence and trail of the masters he works for.

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