As a new person, I met a woman on Substack, who made such a bloodline claim, although she didn't have much insight. She just wanted others to notice her. Hmmmmm.

I helped her understand Rhesus blood...but then, she arrogantly said, 'you don't know who you are dealing with.

So, I blocked her. Good Decision.

See Stevenakey.com for my works.

Peace and Health.

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Every time I see that someone has censored someone else, I always have to write to them. Blocking is done so often and it is a very dangerous thing to do, though it seems benign. It always gives the ego a boost to know you have shut down someone else, but that is contributing to a culture that cancels people out, that stops people from having their say. You can simply not answer her, or call her a ninny or anything else you want to do. Even if she does have some mental disconnect. Free speech must be practiced by "the common people" for it to be real in our society. Nothing good will come from the top down. They want to censor us. We must not do it to each other.

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I helped her at first, before she became insulting.

I did not id her, nor call names.

I'm not interested in you or your words.

Write your own ego to someone else. You are incorrect. Do not contact me or I will block

you too.

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Sounds like a toddler. Don't get your own way and bam - you ban. It doesn't matter that you helped her. You missed my point entirely. Those who ban the expression of others endanger every human's free speech. If you want a better world, then you may have to learn some new tricks!

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Oh gee, you're calling names now. I'm a baby in your ears.

You are not high brow, nor well read.

Stop telling others what to do.

Get lost, in other words. I only block insulting people. You are now on the list.

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Look do what you want - you like to threaten people who happen to have a different view to yourself. Maybe that woman wasn't as addled as you've made out!

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Jun 11Liked by Dean Henderson

Just purchased, look forward to reading the full book! Thank you for your exhaustive and tireless research!!

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Thanks very much Daniel!

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Jun 10Liked by Dean Henderson

Why are THEY so afraid of Humans?

How did humans get to planet earth?

What was the purpose?

Who are we and why are we here?


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Jun 10Liked by Dean Henderson

how do you share this on social media w a nice cover? I always get the very same cover w maybe some differned word description. also you have a typo going in 2nd? paragraph. there instead of their, if you care

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Use any photo you like on social media. Correction noted. Thanks!

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Jun 10Liked by Dean Henderson

Brilliantly ILLUMINATIng. I'm gonna buy the paperback before they burn them all.

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Jun 10Liked by Dean Henderson

thanks, i have been over a lot of this before, but this is so concise, w no frills yet flows smoothly. easy into the brain

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Jun 10·edited Jun 11Author

Thanks for the restacks Ray, Daniel, Tracy & Marie!

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The late Barry Chamish, citing the findings of Rabbi Antelman in his books To Eliminate The Opiate Volumes I and II, claimed the Rothschild Empire was directly connected to and financed the Illuminati, the Freemasons and the Jesuits, plus most of the 'revolutions' that ensued as well as laying the 'blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures'.

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Trudeau's mother is a St Claire, connected to the Rosslyn Chapel...

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Always fascinating articles. Thank you Dean. I have grave doubts that the ones ruling us are from other planets. I think that too is a line they want us to believe - so that they can gloat at their fake alien invasion hoax coming up probably soon. I think it's time to see the universe, the planets as not even those being what we were impregnated in our minds to believe. Of course I also see it is possible that some outside tribes are holding us hostage. But if that is the case I would imagine it would be from earth itself, from lands they have kept unknown to us (I suspect this is not a planet but some other form of land mass and it is much much bigger than the amount of land mass we know about. They want us to think there is someone outside of us - a god, aliens...but what I see is people shafting people. I don't see aliens doing it. People who want to control. And they may have the advantage of many generations of information passed down (unlike the "common man" whose information usually stops at his own generation) but the only reason we are hostages is because the vast majority of people have been brainwashed to believe that we need "governing".

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Ya gonna be pop'lar!

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