I gave a copy of your book on the Nephilim Crown to a friend. He gave it back and said he wouldn't believe what you wrote as there were no references on the book.

Not here either, so no point forwarding this to him! Sadly.

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Tell him he can Wikipedia most of it...

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Ok. But, isn't Wikipedia on the wrong side of history?

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Yeah, but even they can spit out facts. Up to us to connect the dots that are those facts.

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Tied up in a bow. Mt Hermon to Return of The (faux) King (Tolkien?), before the real one comes back.

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Thanks for the restacks Moonshine, Piet, Dan, David, Frances, Alan, Tisha, GLM, SJ, Ray & Tracy!

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Nice article, but the Black Nobility 13 families and the Council at the top are not the peak of the pyramid of power. There is an elite nameless group of men above them who secretely rule the planet. Their names cannot be spoken nor do very many know who they are.

Please see these posts also:

How to remove the SMART DUST technology of the Mark of the Beast. This technology is to be activated next year and will enslave humanity!



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