Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering, Chapter 13: The Royal Bloodline Command Structure
According to prominent researchers like Gary Wayne and Fritz Springmeier, thirteen bloodline families sit at the very top of the terrestrial command structure. But in the end, there is only one bloodline since all these royal thirteen families are related.
Other powerful families include the Algobrandini, Astor, Bundy, Giustiniani, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Glucksberg, Rockefeller, Hohenzollern, Medici, Corsini, Wellesley, Odescalchi, Wurttemberg, Colonna, Wittelsbach, Del Banco, Bernadotte, Saxe-Coburg, Gothe, Warburg, Russell, Pallavacini, Hesse, Romanov, Van Duyn, Massimo, Savoy, and von Thurn und Taxis.
From the ranks of these families, a world monarch is selected. He presides over this Crown Council of 13. These are also the highest-ranking Freemasons in the world. Next, a Committee of 300 as described in former MI6 agent John Coleman’s seminal book, Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, carries forth the agenda of the Crown Council of 13. The Committee of 300 is also made up strictly of bloodline family members.
The next one down the ladder is the Priory of Sion, which was founded in 1099 on Mt. Zion in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. A secret society founded by knight crusader Godfrey of Bouillon, its purpose was to spread the power of the Merovingian bloodline. The Priory of Sion is the hidden force behind Zionism since the plan is to crown a scion (grafted) bloodline fallen angel anti-Christ as world king in Jerusalem in order to cement their desired one world government and complete their Great Work of Ages. The Priory consists of only bloodline members.
Following them are the Rosicrucians, or Red Cross, which are bloodline family members charged with concealing and furthering the Zionist project to graft the Anunnaki bloodline onto humankind. They were a driving force behind the Invisible College, which became the Royal Society. The Rosicrucians are also charged with inverting the seven sacred sciences, as instructed by their Nephilim ancestors, in what is essentially a psychological warfare operation against humanity.
Next in line are the Royal Societies and Institutes that administer this inverted education through a vast array of fake science societies. These also work with the Anglican Church to control Protestant religious sects, which sprang from the Venetian bankers’ funding of Martin Luther and the Reformation. The Royal Society sponsored the phony Enlightenment, along with Bacon, Hobbes, Malthus, Locke, Jung, Freud, and so on. Their job is to lie to humans as to the true nature of reality and our origins. Sadly, almost everything we think we know comes from these Satanists.
Chatham House hatches many of the most aggressive psychological operations through its Royal Institute of International Affairs, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and the Tavistock Institute, which is especially active in Hollywood movie production.
Below that are the secret society knights or operational arms. Many of these are intelligence assets. The Knights Templar, officially disbanded by the Catholic Church in 1307, have been absorbed into the Knights of Malta, who after an earlier religious split merged again with the Protestant Knights Hospitaller brethren to become the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Nowadays, the Knights of Malta are charged with providing royal moles within the Vatican to keep tabs on the Pope.
Top-level Freemasons, Kabbalists, and Muslim Brotherhood agents run various global military, intelligence, political, and media wings. The City of London and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, represent the corporate and banking arm of the bloodline. The Illuminati coordinates black operations including drug, arms, and human trafficking.
The Zionist project involves installing one of their scions, or “grafted ones”, as a World Monarch on the throne in the Third Temple which the Rothschilds are currently building on the site of the stolen Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
This is near Mt. Zion where the Anunnaki hybrid Tribe of Dan, which became the Merovingian bloodline, originated. Israel sits at the center of a huge contiguous land mass that runs from Vladivostok to Windhoek and from Oslo to Singapore. This is why the region has always been highly strategic and volatile. This is also probably why the Anunnaki chose to land in the Sinai Peninsula, smack dab in the middle of the biggest chunk of dry land on planet earth.
But the crowning of this World King can, and will only, happen at the right time when conditions are conducive to such a massive coming-out by the royal bloodline. My guess is that it will follow a cataclysmic global war or economic collapse. A fearful public will be told of the Second Coming of Jesus, possibly on the heels of a fake alien invasion as envisioned in Project Blue Beam.
This king will actually be a Luciferian anti-Christ from one of the above-mentioned royal bloodlines in an attempt to bring in a Fourth Industrial Revolution via fifth-generation (5G) weaponized technology. Their utopian dream after this Great Reset is a New World Order based on the complete electronic enslavement of humanity.
The UK’s Prince William is their current choice. And it is all about eugenics. William is not the son of King Charles III, who recently bragged of his lineage to Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as Dracula. Rather, according to numerous Spanish and French media reports and books, William is the son of King Juan Carlos of Spain, with whom Diana had a eugenics-driven affair.
King Juan Carlos, who has lived in exile from Spain since his shady dealings with the Saudi Arabian monarchy were exposed in 2014, is from the House of Bourbon, which has ruled numerous European nations since its inception in 1268. Carlos has Merovingian, Bourbon, and Hapsburg roots while Diana came from the Spencer, Merovingian, and Plantagenet line.
In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering. Subscribe free to his Left Hook column at deanhenderson.substack.com
I gave a copy of your book on the Nephilim Crown to a friend. He gave it back and said he wouldn't believe what you wrote as there were no references on the book.
Not here either, so no point forwarding this to him! Sadly.
Tied up in a bow. Mt Hermon to Return of The (faux) King (Tolkien?), before the real one comes back.