
Finally being discovered. Harold is a very interesting guy. First saw this video 3 plus years ago. Watched it several time taking notes.That is when I understood morgellans.

Could Goo be alien meteor arriving in non traditional means?? Evolving in mineral rich environment? Why are the Bushes and M Thatcher owners of residences near by this go location? Black smokers result of deep penetration meteorites?How about that lake discovered under the Arctic cap? Dam Russians , lol; extremely interesting life forms, bizarre to say the least. Flying fish becoming birds? During plate shifts and atmospheric change and water much more atmospheric? Amphibian- adapted?

Millions of years. Tom Cowan recent podcast suggest devil tower a giant tree. But more importantly silica quartz composition. Silica in Best sea salts with minerals, origins of life? As below above. Fossilized tree is quartz , not carbon based? Back when dinsoars roaming?

Staying out of the box, way more intriguing.

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Argentina ie bushes, thatcher. Surface deposit

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Non such, dino saurasses. All made for "HIS" story and the victor.

Due diligence is in order. Carbon date: Again, non such.

No time to explain - please do your own RESEARCH!

I've been enforce near 50yrs!!!

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THINK: Sequoia nat forest n the "Reserve"!

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their website celebrates “building the most environmentally friendly prison on the planet”🙀


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The throbbing headache I get - it's 5G. The die-off of birds and insects, it's underway.

You are not the only one warning us Dean: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/more-reports-from-around-the-world

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“We're going into a solar maximum cycle in 2024 (actually it has already started)

according to scientists, which has already resulted in a flare affecting radio

transmissions around the world. More are predicted in the coming months. There

are days I pray we get such a major blast of solar flares from the sun that it knocks

out ALL of the satellites."

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How is 5G going to be the key to their plan?

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Full spectrum dominance via electronic warfare/mind control system...

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I don’t doubt that. Rense seems skeptical.

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Dean: are you able to develop an article on why 5G is harmful? Or point us to someone who sounds reasonable and is scientifically based? After looking at the 5G map from a link in our comments I am very worried. It’s coming too close and I don’t know what its reach is.

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Dean, I have written a comment about you and Grace of "Really Graceful" on Dr.Joseph Sansone recent complaint about the non-responsive public in the midst of chaos. His column is called "Mind Matters." It is psychology without historical context -- yours and Grace's. And it cannot help the public in my view, defend themselves. Unless and until he/they learn history.

Yours and Grace's.

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I would like specific citations & quotes for UK 70% population reductions and other nations' reductions.

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When I investigated SERCO several years ago the trail ultimately ended in Florida not Britain. The British company, large as it is, is ultimately a subsidiary. Just searching now & Morgan Stanley is one of those large shareholders who own 80% + of the company.


Rothschilds also involved.

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Hey Dean, the world of fungi, buzzards below you ole coyote..

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