Thomas Sankara declared, "While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas." Beautifully stated!

Thank you Dean. Blessings ~

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Thanks for the restacks Jana & Tracy!

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The Crown and all their agents need to be annihilated from ever causing destruction and killings.

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My guess is had Sankara taken out Compaore, the IMF / World Bank would have sent other assassins. The controlling bankers will tolerate this kind of attitude, " to uplift the mental attitude of his people, to rid people of the idea that they must bow down to figures in authority and that women are inferior to men." In a way, it's why the killed Pythagoras and Aristotle (Pythagoras gave women leadership positions and Aristotle for teaching the young to think).

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So sad, ceyeaye implementing neo-brit colonialism, causing perhaps just as bad in long run reaction called socialism that turns commie-feudal.

So many bright minds xtinguished.

I guess they never herd of Imago Dei-- the innate value and uniqueness of each and every human being, which makes America a forever "universal dream" of kingdom (w/o earthly king) of-heaven- on-earth.

The image of some western "thinkers" of "man is matter only/physical w/o soul" (materialism) [Jeremy Bentham, ALdous Huxley, H.G.Wells...] was contrived by the euro- blaeknobles to destroy America (and utopias like Burkina Faso) by destroying God's insistence on the uniqueness of each human being. Can't have slavery/colonies to steal from -- if each human is unique/of innate value.

Stealin' is a thing with matter-ialists and socialism-communism, the thieves being the glorified elite. Versus the stolen from: "You", Imago-not-dei, must or cannot own anything. You're (allegedly) not en+Titled.

You "are" of no status/novalue/ notimagodei.

"Naming" belongs to blaek"nobles"/en+Titled at birth, designated royal/noble/"gods"[transhuman elites/genetic hybrids/chimera/supernatural/ "X-men"/new genetically designed "elite"].

Ref: Federalist No.84 (Hamilton): "Nothing need be said to illustrate the importance of the prohibition of titles of nobility. This may truly be denominated the cornerstone of Republican government; for so long as they are excluded there can never be serious danger that the government will be any other than that of the people."

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