Hey, Dean. I must rant for a moment so my head doesn’t implode. I’m at the part you’re talking about HIV. That’s when I first began questioning everything; the use of soldiers and civilians as lab rats while on active duty 1998-90–and was then discharged for it by ‘93.

I can’t believe another four to five years has gone by since this clip, but still many are so damn blind and impatient. Most still cannot find the mental strength simply to just refuse to comply. I can’t believe how many actually got the Vaxx, then lined up for boosters.

It’s absolutely true, “they are very nervous,” and so that’s why the “extreme rush” to push the Vaxx and repeated manmade Plandemics, war with Iran, Russia and China (WWIII). Everything you are saying sounds like I’m hearing my own echos over the past several decades, not just the last four years.

What I’ve noticed is that as time goes on, year after year, “they” don’t care how obvious their kill systems are and own admissions about “planned” upcoming crimes. While keeping operational plans secret, it has still always been satanic protocol to acknowledge in advance their general plans to kill people, but it’s not even typical FalseFlag methodology anymore. It’s just blatant, belligerent murder, and the politicians, top investigative reporters & cops just sit back and do nothing, as if every one of them are totally bought and completely soulless.

People like us must either get elected or form militias to take peaceful, armed action; begin arresting them; the most senior cops and military general officers first; the politicians and their agency appointees; and then their private agents working for BlackRock, HAARP, DARPA, Pfizer, Lockheed…

I keep telling the microscopy armatures and professionals like Dr. Ber, Dr. Nixon, Dr. Ana…that they need to start filing police reports about the nanotechnology WMD’s they are discovering so we can then arrest the local, state and federal top cops for intentionally refusing to investigate; complicity of Crimes Against Humanity; Treason. But they just keep using the system as it has been put into place, which of course is intentional by the politicians so that the most dangerous elements can continue with the genocide completely uninterrupted while we fight with the lesser pawns though slow, meaningless court cases. It’s a huge mistake.

Demonstrating is NOT the answer either. It never was. Arresting the crooked top cops is where our actions must begin. But everyone in each of our cities, county and state must stop supporting the Left & Right clowns (Trump & Biden, and even RFK so long as he supports Israel), and stop fighting each-other, then start working together and demand the good active duty cops and soldiers help us, WE the People, arrest their chiefs, sheriffs and commanders for Genocide & Treason. Somehow this must happen—not what they want to happen—which is violence like what happened in France, so they can get our own people in uniform to turn against civilians, again.

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Dean what are we gong to do about this? I've been asking that for a long time. I actually came up with some actions we can take. I think the energy we spend on going to courts is wasted. Imagine putting that energy into creating something parallel - having courts of our own. Having linked networks that get our own news out. We have all this capability. What are we going to do - just sit here like lemmings and wait till the sleepers wake the hell up? They will not be waking up until they see something. We have to organize ourselves in small groups, in small clusters of freedom and get the word out as well as work together to bring new formats to our access. People's courts, people's media, people's health and education. We need to get off off off the government system. We need to have talks all the time, about defunding government. Even if we do nothing at first we need to be talking about it so that their algorithms will hear us. We have to use the power we still have. That is our mouth and the ability to connect. We need to move fast. Another thing we can do and we can do it by our own choice, is cite another calendar as a secondary calendar. And - like converting to metric - we convert to a cyclical calendar by citing both calendars to begin with. There really is a lot we can do but we are impotent as individuals. We need to combine. We need to collaborate. You are certainly one that has the right timbre.

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I am going to ask a very shallow personal question, Dean. Get ready for it!

Are you aware of how rapidly you have aged since 2019?

I hardly recognised you in this video! I had to wait until you spoke to confirm whether that was you by the sound of your voice!

I, too, have aged incredibly fast since 2019 so I am wondering what you make of that? Professor Yuri Grigoriev and others have confirmed that an overload of EMFs ages rats who were subjected to experimentation. I find this particularly concerning (being a very vain girlie type) but also from the point of view that our lives are being curtailed long before they would naturally end.

I have gone very grey, lost two thirds of the volume of my hair and (worst of all) every tooth from my mouth! I have lost mobility. I am breathless unless I am seated and I have struggled with weight gain. All these symptoms are also reported by Professor Martin Pall in his studies.

Have you observed this in yourself and others too?

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They train the towers (weapons systems) on people like us so it takes a toll. Also, I look much younger when I shave my beard. I'm actually much healthier now than I was in mid-2019 when I was really getting hammered with the waves. Live in a better place and not toiling on the farm every day. Sorry to hear about your situation. I'd try moving if you can. We need you around to be in this fight Frances. All the best, dean

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We have thought about moving again. We moved here in 2021 because the readings were so low in this area. However, within 6 months the readings from our Electrosmog detector shot up and now we have a huge 5G tower in this Dorset village. Friends tell me that they can receive 5G INSIDE my home. I do not use any wifi equipment at all.

UK is so tiny, Dean! Where could we go to get away from the signals? Short of moving into Buckingham Palace or Balmoral with the Royals I think we are stymied.

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Getting harder all the time to find a place. Best of luck Frances...

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Jan 28
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He switched me to this coming Tuesday Douglas...

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Dean I'm not spamming but listening to the video and so many good things are being said but it's just futile to think that we take anyone to court. This is a total waste of human time. Getting the money for it is again a waste of time and it's furthering their system. They will laugh at us. You all say on the video that the oligarchs are running scared but when they hear that the solution is to take them to court, all they would do is laugh. Please see that we are just flushing our energy down the toilet going that route. What we can do is to shock them by creating. They don't know how to create, but we do! I have a formula. We must strike in very different ways to what they expect.

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Agreed. they count on us wasting our energy...

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Yes! They steal our time. Because time is life. Imagine if we did this - imagine if we adopted another calendar. Cited it as a secondary calendar so we run both simultaneously with the stated target of making it the primary calendar after about 3 years. We also join a local currency (which is available) and people just take these two options up as individuals, and they engage others they know to transact on the local currency, thus bringing exchange back to the local level and spurring locally produced goods and services and move away from globalism. I bet that adopting a secondary calendar will really piss off Rome. Imagine snubbing our nose at empire that way. They;ll get it, like a poke in the eyeballs.

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I like the way the think Denise. Shoot me your email and I'll drop you a line while deleting your email here ASAP...

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This is how I read what's going on...there is an energy that lives within humans that counters the force of nature. It is the energy that destroys or decomposes. So we have nature that composes (creates) and anti-nature that decomposes (kills) Both influences are within all of us. I conjecture that much of it comes from organisms, microbes. They affect our mood and temperament. It's a loop, it starts with what we put into our bodies (food/water,/air, etc) but it can be overridden by our thoughts and emotions. This is a layer of existence that we are unaware of because it isn't discernible through the seeing eye. It is discernible through another faculty which can be likened to thinking but it's between thinking and feeling. I call this the feminine aspect and the reason we cannot access it is because we have been distorted by imbalance. Until we get the balance of the masculine and feminine right, there will be no recovery. I have written about how we can reverse this right now, with things we are able to do right now. I wrote it ten years ago but I thought it would be more applicable as the crucial moment arose.

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Why shutting the power OFF at night is crucial, as 5G, along with other EMFs, can literally magnetize onto our electrical wiring anytime there is current being drawn:


Thanks for sharing another resource here Dean. Mark Steele put a fire under my rear end years ago with the LEDs. Fyi not sure if you know Mark Baker of the Soft Lights Foundation, but he recently filed a federal lawsuit with the FDA for failing to protect the public from the harms of LED light. Currently there are NO safety standards for these lights.

In terms of brightness, cars with LEDs emit 72,000,000 lumens, and direct sunlight is 100,000. "Momma always told me never look into the eyes of the su...I mean SUV...but mama...that's where the fun is!" (not)

link: https://www.softlights.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Mark-Baker-vs.-FDA_filed.pdf

Thanks for keeping on keeping on.

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Yup good old Crown-controlled General Electric. We even pull the plugs from all outlets (except the frig.) both at night and during the day when not using them. Very important.

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That's a good point actually on pulling the plugs as well, as more voltage can be created with anything that has a switch-mode power supply. Is this why you pull the plugs, or another reason?

Thanks so much for your reply and feedback Dean.

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Thanks Therese!

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Thanks Tracy!

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Thanks Laura!

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