Dean, y'all need to examine the fake hostility towards the Persians---They aren't a threat to Occupied Palestine but rather, don't have any issue with them but they do hate Arabs. Tehran is a party town---don't seem too worried about being attacked. Not unlike Northern Israel, pardon me, Ukraine.
Rewinds to the 1979 "Radical Islamic" coup in Iran--The Ayatollah Khomeini was partying in a Kibbutz (a Kibbutz is a Jewish Commune for those who are unaware) in Paris and brought in to overthrow the "CIA" (Crown, Inc.) Shah of Iran--who was no fan of "Israel".
Take care my Brother.
PS--they got my folks in The Cherokee Nation in the Blue Ridge Mountains outside Asheville. The S.M.A.R.T. cities are modeled after my Daddy's birthplace---Indian Reservations. (First Nations Reserve in his case).
Correct me if I'm wrong brother Dean but I believe NATO is Crown, Inc. coordinated not America but meant to seem The United States wants war with Russia and heads NATO---I believe we are still a Crown colony (and I'm laughed at when I assert this opinion). Rothschild (Crown, Inc) and his ilk wants Russia's N Resources---I think Trump (I'm not a fan of) tried to avert war with Russia but Biden (Silk Road kin with the UK from way back-even tho this ones obviously an actor--the real Joe is dead--I believe Barack is as well--Indonesia & Kenya were (are?) Crown Colonies).
My Brother, y'all are a very smart and well schooled man. I could learn a few things from you even if I'm likely much older.
I get blocked/deleted when I state "The Deep State" is the British Crown.
I'm honored Brother Dean by your compliment regarding my research. I reckon I came across another Hornets Nest I've been studying for some time-----"Public/Private Partnerships"=Fascistic setup as Benito Mussolini defined it---"Fascism is best defined as Corporatism.". This has the Stench of Crown,Inc. Rockefeller Foundation fake charity. Here y'all go---check out their links too. Quite telling:
Sustainable, S.M.A.R.T. Cities, Carbon Neutral,(meaning us as we are carbon based "units",---all dead giveaways for Communitarianism aka Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 or Global Authoritarian Corporate Police State Control.
Dean, y'all need to examine the fake hostility towards the Persians---They aren't a threat to Occupied Palestine but rather, don't have any issue with them but they do hate Arabs. Tehran is a party town---don't seem too worried about being attacked. Not unlike Northern Israel, pardon me, Ukraine.
Rewinds to the 1979 "Radical Islamic" coup in Iran--The Ayatollah Khomeini was partying in a Kibbutz (a Kibbutz is a Jewish Commune for those who are unaware) in Paris and brought in to overthrow the "CIA" (Crown, Inc.) Shah of Iran--who was no fan of "Israel".
Take care my Brother.
PS--they got my folks in The Cherokee Nation in the Blue Ridge Mountains outside Asheville. The S.M.A.R.T. cities are modeled after my Daddy's birthplace---Indian Reservations. (First Nations Reserve in his case).
Just my two shekels.
Really sorry about the Cherokee. True story on Crown Inc. & the Ayatollah...
Correct me if I'm wrong brother Dean but I believe NATO is Crown, Inc. coordinated not America but meant to seem The United States wants war with Russia and heads NATO---I believe we are still a Crown colony (and I'm laughed at when I assert this opinion). Rothschild (Crown, Inc) and his ilk wants Russia's N Resources---I think Trump (I'm not a fan of) tried to avert war with Russia but Biden (Silk Road kin with the UK from way back-even tho this ones obviously an actor--the real Joe is dead--I believe Barack is as well--Indonesia & Kenya were (are?) Crown Colonies).
My Brother, y'all are a very smart and well schooled man. I could learn a few things from you even if I'm likely much older.
I get blocked/deleted when I state "The Deep State" is the British Crown.
Y'all take care Dean.
Brother that is because "The Deep State" is the British Crown! I guess NATO is their military gendarme. Wise words amigo.
I'm honored Brother Dean by your compliment regarding my research. I reckon I came across another Hornets Nest I've been studying for some time-----"Public/Private Partnerships"=Fascistic setup as Benito Mussolini defined it---"Fascism is best defined as Corporatism.". This has the Stench of Crown,Inc. Rockefeller Foundation fake charity. Here y'all go---check out their links too. Quite telling:
Sustainable, S.M.A.R.T. Cities, Carbon Neutral,(meaning us as we are carbon based "units",---all dead giveaways for Communitarianism aka Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 or Global Authoritarian Corporate Police State Control.
The Gray State is here now--it must be defeated. ~2 minutes:
Be well my Brother Dean.
Dean, you are the president we ought to have!
Whew! That would be the day...