Jul 2·edited Jul 3Author

Thanks for the restacks Spek, Mark, Tisha, Fel, Davi, Todd, SovereignJ, AquaQ & Tracy!

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Jul 2Liked by Dean Henderson

In this piece you make mention of Adam & Eve, I wrote a piece on this subject a few weeks ago and have hesitated to post it here it is.

Considering the story of creation, Adam & Eve, the Garden of Eden, and all that, coupled to that there is the World as it is today, there seems to be some similarities. This is only a postulation, in the understanding of things and how they may be related. In looking at the Adam & Eve story not as creation but as an epoch-making moment, man was living in his natural state, Ever-present Oneness. Adam & Eve were cautioned about eating from a tree in the garden; Eve was beguiled by the snake and chooses wrongly to eat from the so-called tree of knowledge (mind), so the fall from wisdom and all knowing, to mind, knowledge, the aping of one another with all its limitations. Today we have the militarized health complex, is it not interesting that the emblem of the health sector is snakes, well, did not the snakes beguile Eve in 2020. The Adam & Eve deception was for the Mind, the 2020 deception is for the Body (biology) the attempt at altering natural replication of the body, which is harmonized and does not need any unnatural input, which would be the source of disharmony, the substitution of Devine order for technologies-based control of the Human body will be the end of Humanity. So, we have the snake in the Garden and the snake in 2020, more vigilantes is needed around the snake, before the next epoch-making, which will most certainly doom humanity in space-time forever. It all depends on how humans deal with what has happened, platitudes and theatre will not work, someone has entered your Home and is decimating it from the inside. Wake-up for you will have no exemption from the marauders, linage, blood will be the only survivors, so if you think you have favour now and are assisting the marauders, in the end you too will perish, blood is thicker than water.

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The Garden was a test for Adam and Eve by the Creator and they failed as much as the human race has failed since; the lesson not learned was one of obedience and responsibility and appreciation for the gift of life that was freely given; "I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19) That was always the choice but it can only be made on an individual basis as Adam and Eve had that choice in spite of temptation and we have the same choice; the real deception is not about mind or body but a failure to believe in the spirit which the purveyors of death will never have control over and which is our first and last hope.

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True Spirituality and True Science are one in the same.

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Jul 2Liked by Dean Henderson

Masterful! The shades need to continue come off the public and this book by Dean is a jewel to the eyes.

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Thanks Marilyn!

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Jul 3Liked by Dean Henderson

I always enjoy reading the work of the talented wordsmith that is Dean Henderson. This article was no exception.

Dean first came to my attention several months ago when I was listening to some old Richie Allen radio shows (trying to catch up), and Dean was his guest.

I was immediately beguiled by his easy listening drawl and propensity to end sentences with the word ‘man’. Seemed effortlessly cool.

Then Richie went on to corner himself by ranting somewhat about his distaste for the Israeli state and their persecution of the Palestinians. Richie avowed to being opposed to any form of violence, but then stated he wished the whole of Israel could be bombed to oblivion or some such comment. Dean, quick as a whippet picked up on the contradiction and asked “so who’s going to do your bombing for you Richie?” (Or words to that effect).

Sharp as a scalpel, is Dean, man! 🙂

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Thanks Adler!

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Jul 3Liked by Dean Henderson

The pleasure’s mine Dean, you’re a great bloke, man! 😀

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I was maturing during the Age of Aquarius and the Summer of Love.

"It was 20 years ago today

Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play."

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