Jun 24Liked by Dean Henderson

At the age of 16 (1976) I was introduced to Homeopathy. My mentor began researching natural remedies after her oldest son was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 8. She was absolutely convinced it was directly related to being vaccinated! She was adamant and constantly told me “when you have children, never get them vaccinated”! Her son passed away at the age of 12. The draconian medical industry used him as a Guinea Pig, filling him with their poisons aka miracle drugs, practicing their experiments on him until his body couldn’t take it anymore. Sound familiar?!? For those that are aware it’s also Crystal Clear 🕸 The Well Established Draconian Systems are all connected, they suck the life out humanity on every level so of course they introduced/implemented The Insurance Industry so people could “Be Protected” “Feel More Secure/Safe” “More Easily Afford” (Marketing at it’s finest) while they are lining their pockets and completely controlling life on earth!

Pure Evil! Planet Earth Needs A “Great Awakening”

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Jun 24Liked by Dean Henderson

A friend is sending me your book as a b-day present. I am looking forward to reading it in its entirety. The amount of research and dot-connecting that goes into every chapter is astounding!

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Way cool Athena!

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Jun 25Liked by Dean Henderson

Yes! Except that I am not sure when and whether I will receive it (she unfortunately ordered it in Switzerland and is sending it to me in India, rather than ordering on Amazon.in). In the meantime, I will keep avidly reading your posts! Thanks for your important work!

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Jun 24Liked by Dean Henderson

Unless I'm mistaken, the author of Dr. Mary's Monkey wrote about the "polio vaccine" AND made reference to a spike in soft tissue cancers that was one result thereof and of course wrote of the death of Mary Sherman.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Liked by Dean Henderson

I wish I had read your work BEFORE I wrote the piece that included this excerpt:

"Formerly, in the days before this time of universal deceit, one became an expert, not by appearing on TV or acquiring a fan base or a Twitter following or make believe Facebook friends or any of the above, but by attaining knowledge. Before we entered the era of the professional expert, some of the greatest advances came to the world via devoted amateurs. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the “Father of Microbiology,” had no training in science or medicine. Another amateur, Joseph Niépce, produced photographs in the early 19th century despite the fact that cameras did not previously exist. He also helped design one of the first internal combustion engines...or possibly the first such device.

"And Louis Pasteur, whether visionary or fraud, was apparently a self-taught one."

Thanks again for all your deep thinking and clear minded writing.

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The historical evidence is quite clear that Pasteur was a mediocre chemist, a charlatan and plagiarist who stole the best medical discoveries of the time from Antoine Bechamp, the real genius of the time; for the most part Bechamp's work is still not given the recognition that it undoubtedly deserves; other geniuses from the same epoch or making similar discoveries were Royal Rife and Florence Nightingale who also deserve much more credit for invaluable contributions that have been severely neglected by the medical mafia, both past and present.

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Thanks for the feedback. I always welcome insight about the contrived history of the world. I've been a late starter in pretty much all things (and I dropped out of high school without actually leaving the building) but somehow I have managed to figure a few things out. I would have had a far more comfortable and enjoyable life if I had just ignored the obvious and played the game. But I'm pretty sure we're not here just to have fun, diversion and comfort.

Regarding Bechamp, I know the name but no more than that. I will look him up. Undoubtedly an internet search will inform that me HE was the scam and not Pasteur. After that I'll find a copy of "Bechamp or Pasteur?"

Thanks again.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 25Author

Thanks for the restacks Tracy, Tisha, Richard, Marie & Suzan!

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Brilliant analysis focusing on histories far too many know little about; one has to realize, for example, that the legacy of Pasteur was and is based on a massive fraud which directly led to the allopathic model of medicine which dominates the world to this day.

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