Jun 8Liked by Dean Henderson

Crown the bankers war at the expense of us little people

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Jun 8Liked by Dean Henderson

The U.S. government cut Japan off from resources in the US never got Pearl Harbor let it happen histories of all lie

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Jun 8Liked by Dean Henderson

This important snippet of world history may help humanity avoid mis-Takes -- hypothetically at least, misidentifying the "good guys" who are really the bad guys -- not a good thing to do, in ANY spiritual war.

(And the monitored AI that is my Spell Chek -- count him or her in as the Bad G-EYE. It/he/she et al mis-spelled "Mussolini," as "Missouri") AFTER I sent an email. Never trust neutral sounding, proffered "AI". It is darpa funded, darpa -- likely a captured "national interest" weapons arm of the global elite. Ref: Annie Jacobsen, The Pentagon's Brain).

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Jun 8·edited Jun 9Author

Thanks for the restacks Moonshine, Marie, Tracy, Ray & Jeffrey!

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