
Thanks for the restacks Tracy, Marie, Moonshine & Sovereign!

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May 25Liked by Dean Henderson

Who's on humanity's side? I can think of the Shema.

Where is this most powerful trope -- out-troping racists, eugenicists, genocidaires -- discussed by anti-colonialists?

Or by the so-called church?

Humanity is out-planned and out-financed by a millennia-long criminal scheme.

The royals have financed the educations and/or books of Tolkien, H.G.Wells, the films of Harry Potter inverting the sorcery of the fallen angels as "good", and the despising of the occult magic of the fallen watchers as "bad", the selling of hybrid humans in "marvel"-ous films as heroic rather than the destruction of the human conscience genetically.

Humanity only has "The Matrix", an anti-borg film with Neo, a Jesus stand-in.

But it clearly shows the bloodline future plan for humans grown, raised, living solely in faux wombs, energy pods for machines and AI, to be plugged in like transistor batteries, and when used up, the detritus fed as food to the other humans-in-pods.

The truth revealed in the statement to an unplugged Neo, they first have to regenerate the muscles in his body which have "never been used."

Computer-to-brain interface anyone? Royal minions busily writing the totalitarian software.

Not a surprise God has to save humanity in the end times, from the bloodline's dystopian, inhumane plan now unfolding.

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May 25Liked by Dean Henderson

Thank you, excellent, have a great day

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May 25Liked by Dean Henderson

Why thank you! You also!

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May 26Liked by Dean Henderson

When you look back in history,is it any wonder the mess we are in. Bigger question how do we fix it?

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It seems that Royals created science to enhance the class divide

Prior to that was astrology.

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