Thanks for the quick, yet well-laid out, history lesson Dean!

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Jun 4Liked by Dean Henderson

So much I never knew, but especially that the Crown powers tried to kill Jackson before Lincoln....makes me want to save all my monies in 20 dollar bills.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Author

Thanks for the restacks Tracy, Sovereign & JP!

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I have to disagree. Alexander Hamilton was one of the authors of The Federalist Papers, along with James Madison and John Jay. Without these essays, the U.S.Constitution would never have been ratified by the colonies.

And not all banks are alike. See the banks proposed by Richard Werner along the same lines as Hamilton. (Werner documentary, The Princes of the Yen, on how the Annunaki bloodline took down Japan when its postwar GDP rose by over 450%, by infiltrating its banking system and replacing it with a fed reserve type of debt slavery so western investors could create a faux economy of faux financial products (see the film "The Big Short").

The Federal Reserve is privately owned, not government owned, and operates on fractional reserves and on creating out of the U.S. a debt enslaved government with debt enslaved citizens.

The Hamilton bank was government owned and was intended to pay the nation's bills, finance its industries and businesses, amd make America a prosperous nation, something the Articles of Confederation of a bunch of individually weak, invadable colonies (future states) was unable to do.

Andrew Jackson was an Indian genocidaire. He ignored the Supreme Court's ruling against the State of Georgia because the latter passed laws allowing whites to take Indian land for their own for free. Jackson caused the "Trail of Tears" and America's version of concentration camps called "reservations." Many don't have running water to this day.

Jackson was well known because he was an Indian killer.

Jackson also conspired with Aaron Burr when the latter wanted to form an army to create an empire south of the ex-colonies, which Burr would rule as emperor.

Burr killed Hamilton, cutting short the life of a true patriot, paving the way for a Federal Reserve that created debt slaves out of American citizens and money printing for the now 1% bloodlines. See Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island. The bloodline creators of the Fed met on Jekyll Island -- intentionally and directly over a site for human sacrifice used by "nephilim indian giants" of a annunaki hybrid indian tribe of human sacrifice and cruelty.

The essays by Hamilton, Madison and Jay that are part of The Federalist Papers tell all. That is, the truth.

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