Thanks for the restacks, Lauretta, Marie, GLM, Tracy, Mary, Mark, Fel, Hilary, Cookie, Spek, Suzan, Jenni and all...

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Cross-posting to increase your subscribers, Dean. Much love and respect, as always! xx

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Thanks Frances!

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Thank you Dean for helping educate me and opening my eyes further. I'm grateful for you and Frances Leader both.

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Have followed Dean Henderson from your earlier recommendation Frances - both are extremely valuable. Thanks!

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Thanks Frances

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Thank you Frances for helping educate me and guiding me to Dean Henderson and his work. I'm grateful to both of you.

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Thank you so much! Now I get it! The truth makes me feel calm! I can handle the truth, its all the lies I can't handle. Thanks Dean for my piece of mind! Big thanks!

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Thanks Susan!

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Wow! Corruption, manipulation, and then all the lies to cover it all up. It's freeeeeking complicated and sometimes I feel like only divine intervention can stop this giant machine that wants us enslaved or dead.

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David Hawkins of Reverse CSI spoke a great deal about Serco and wanted RICO charges brought. I miss David. The insanity of this octopus is overwhelming and yet they will still need cooperation from the people no matter how much tech they have. Their worship of what this tech and data will give them is their vulnerable spot.

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Are you familiar with AIM, American Intelligence Media? The scalable tech for social media invented by Leader Tecnologies was stolen and passed on by Highland.

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Yes, love Doug & Mike...

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Hi Dean could you give a view in the apparent contradiction in Cautlan Johnstones position that the US empire is the seat of power?



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Many fall into this Crown trap.

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Hi Dean,

Its a long plot to get to grips with.

I am not a republican but accept that there are ongoing breaches of the constitutional settlement.

I liked the piece you wrote on Magna Carta.


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The Balance between One Central Power a King or the Rule of an oligarchy of Barons, What power base is it easier for a People to keep honest?

This is an interesting question. The Nimrodists have form in playing both sides against the middle and care little about “ Democracy” “Justice , or ideals of Fairness.

Those long passages skirt around the point when I recall exactly where I read it Words to this effect I recall.

Magna Charte provided the Barons with a charter against King John, the Treasury corrupted and outside the oversight of a representitive of the people

Thus lead to an erosion of the welfare and fair share of the ordinary people .

Whetehr a Republic or a monarchy one has to avoid Ususry excercised for private interests.


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May I give my opinion on this please?

Tim Foley, Caitlin Johnstone's husband, is the son of Russian spies who were living in Canada and were deported in disgrace. Ever since he got involved with Caitlin he has taken over her opinions and inserted his own misconceived hatred for the USA into the mix. I have lost count of the number of times I have sent Caitlin my work proving that their concept of a US Empire is avoiding the truth about the Venetian Black Nobility's globalist and totalitarian agenda operating from the City of London Crown offices.

There is no busting of Tim Foley's grip on Caitlin. He is clearly a misinformation agent working on a psychological operation, like his parents before him.

Anyone who does not recognise that the USA is a slave colony and tool of the Black Nobility, just like all the 5 Eyes countries, simply reveals a complete lack of knowledge about the Rule of Law which controls the entire world.


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Thanks Frances,

Caitlin has never responded to the infrequent, todays was the 3rd in 7 years or so.

This was my question both other times.

If the media is a lie machine why would the only thing it consisyemtly tells the truth about is "The Climate Crisis"

April 2019


May 2018


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All very disturbing 😳

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Excellent work.. thank you

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Thanks JP!

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Even wikipedia depicts SERCO as largely corrupt, listing many unethical and illegal "irregularities."

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I take that as a warning to keep a closer eye on SERCO.

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Any movie recommendations relevant to these essays?

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They Live

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The Kingsmen.

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https://anitabaxasmd.substack.com/p/graphene-and-hydrogels-building-a#media-db1f7c0b-1093-4c8a-a84c-b744284cfaab la quinta columna video on this stack, under 15 min long, re blood structures in the jabbed

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I am aware of Ana’s videos. Was asking for fictional thoughtproking entertainment not reality & nightmares.😊

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I have heard but not yet substantiated that Serco is involved in selecting Eire's / S.IRL's Garda .

Does anyone have info on this matter?

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write jabs, left hooks

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Patents huh, Dean? Who's a Patent Attorney and Crown Agent? HRC. She certainly is or was. Her husband was a Rhodes Scholar for a time. Cecil Rhodes, Rothschild toady. Rhodesia was him. What did Barack study at the Frankfort School styled Columbia---then "taught" Constitutional Law at University of Chicago--another Frankfort school--aka Fabian Socialists. A wolf in sheep's clothing is their logo.

"Liberals" huh? There ain't nothing Liberal bout them---The Root word of Liberal is Liberty and they want no part of that. Authoritarianism is a better description of them "My Body, My Choice"--I reckon not when it comes to the Clot Shot, a Face Diaper and a whole range a shit.

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🎯 💯%

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