Jul 16Liked by Dean Henderson

Dean, thank you so much for your books.

Frances Leader recommended them, and they’ve been incredibly helpful at connecting the dots. Your work along with Alan Watt has been a great launching point to dig deeper into understanding how this world works and why so messed up.

Before 2020 I would not have a greed with you, that the world is suffering from a collective Stockholm Syndrome but I’m in complete agreement today. It explains why people just go along with things that make no sense and stay quiet about atrocities all over the world that have been occurring historically.

I have a history (THEIR-STORY) degree and was a history teacher (I know what a joke) and I understood that throughout history it was the “crowns” that caused chaos but I didn’t not understand how everything was linked. I treated every event separately not as the interconnected game it is. Once you get some of the puzzle pieces you see it.

Since I was a child I struggled to understand why we could not get along and just be kind and decent to one another. Even on the playground this war is waged. There is an identification with evil. I not sure if it is an innate proclivity to evil or it develops as a consequence of living in or being subjected to evil. I just understand today that it is very real.

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Glad to hear it Saoirse.

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Good insight Dean. Thanks.

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Thanks Kyle!

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Jul 16Liked by Dean Henderson

As I understand it, Dean is saying that we, the people identify with our oppressors as opposed to whom we should be giving reverence and gratitude to, the Creator of all.

Wakan Tanka is the word that the Lakota Natives use to describe the sacred and divine; The Great Spirit. The Lakota spirituality maintains there is sacredness in all creation and as such, should all be respected and dignified. Animals, forests, soil, air, water… everything is to be respected and to live in harmony not in a state of dominion over creation.

Not everyone has a Judeo Christian understanding of our earthly existence. There are people all over the world do not necessarily agree with that interpretation of reality. Before agents of the “Royal” dynasties slaughtered “disbelievers” and forcibly converted the survivors, Natives had a different interpretation of our existence and experience on earth. This “conversion” to the accepted spiritual narrative happened centuries earlier in Europe and was spread across the globe.

If you read Dean’s books you will get a broader understanding of his meaning and the historical account.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Dean Henderson

Just witnessed a barbaric, feudal, primitive, unreflective, disrespectful ad hominem (group/mob attack on a "cat lady" by Trump's VP candidate JD Vance (?).

Supposed "highly educated" people tripled down on that attack -- joining in the mayhem -- and potential stoning of...ceremony, had this been at the time of Jesus.

Why try to help save people who repeat the problem they are stuck shoulder deep in? Those who turn others into mere objects?

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Jul 17Liked by Dean Henderson

I'm Mohawk myself Dean. My Great Granddaddy was Jean' Baptiste' Rice--I was named after him. A Kahna'wake Chief , the first man to navigate The Saint Lawrence River(not considered human at the time-a Savage in the eyes of the law then but I reckon that's changed). I was named after him, "Big John"--Jean'. His Indian name in Mohawk was The Turtle which was a very honerable name amongst the Natives of all tribes, and my Daddies name was Little Turtle. My Grandaddy built Manhattans skyscrapers--He was a real Sky-Walker as they were known as. They'd come down from the Reserve for a time and go up and weld and walk steel beams 100's of feet in the air then go back to the Reserve for a time. Them were Men. Not many fucked with the Mohawks and they scared the shit out a the British---"Man Eaters"--The French deemed them---The Last Tribe to fall........to Crown,Inc.

Y'all take care my Brother. I'll see you in my Dreams.

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Hoka Hey!

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Jul 16Liked by Dean Henderson

Again, you're spot on regarding almost everything, so much so that I will not point out the one error.

Every day I see what has happened to the consciousness via the glowing hypnotic screens. The ability to distinguish reality from cheap stage shows was demonstrated yet again by the utterly fake "assassination attempt." It wasn't even good theater. It was cheap and obvious and by virtue of this warped and stunted populace it was utterly successful. Even some that normally would have cried foul swallowed it, or pretended to, because they think that the middle management stooge that they revere will rescue the US of A. And of course they're blinded by hatred for the "other side," the other wing on the bird known as collectivism.

Thanks for all the good work.

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Thanks Jerry!

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Jul 16Liked by Dean Henderson

I came to your work late in the game but I'm glad I found it.

I'm curious, are you aware of the importance of the fact that the Jesuits finally secured the role of "pope?"

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🙏🏼💙👀 loved your interview on sarah Westall’s program, Dean. Also, appreciate your references to the native American people.


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Thanks Michi!

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

Thanks for the restacks Mark, Tracy, Tisha, Marilyn, Marie & Green Latina Mama!

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So true, instead of saying 'he's only human' we should say 'not human enough.'

Agree with all you wrote here. I'm optimistic. Post shit-show, humans aligned to Nature and Natural Law, living free on this great planet once again.

Thank you.

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I'm afraid you lost me here: ". . . we grow less content and less grateful for all that Wakan Tanka has provided."

Who or what is Wakan Tanka, and why drag in another creator when we already have Yehova?

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Wakan Tanka translates as "the Great Mystery". The Lakota people understood things in this way long before the Bible was ever written.

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Most people would understand Source, the Godhead, the Tao, or even the One (which is what Yeshua used).

The Bible is a compilation of scriptures that most people in the world are familiar with. I don't care whether the Lakota people or the Huvids (Hebrews) came first (it was the Huvids). Mankind needs to unite so that the greatest possible number of people can wake up and ascend--this is what Yeshua wants. He doesn't want any wheat left behind in this, the final harvest.

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