May 21Liked by Dean Henderson

Jes' wonderin' what God was doing looking down at all this pillaging and plundering, weeping n' wailing by the enslaved and trodden over by nephilim races. He has a lot of patience, now coming soon to an end He says, in Rev. When He lets loose His wrath, it will be something to see. "Something." Awesome.Terrible. irrevocable. Sheer fright, no doubt. If only because He uses nature itself as weapons. Even from space, mountainous space rocks falling, launching three thousand foot waves. Like brick walls of moving water, carrying fields of debris with them.

I know the nephilim children and their children etc. "recall" the memory of just one such event called The Flood in 12,000 B.C., memories passed down from their royal ancestors to them -- as they now busily seek a way of escape from judgment for all that slavery then and now, through Cern and deep underground bases and cities.

But then God said in His bible, no matter He will find them out and judge them, and the world they dragged down morally, with them (us). Last days, guys. In full symphony and tympani. And all that "stuff" in Revelation.

The Revealing.

It will be something else -- never seen before. Prepare your hearts He said, prepare....as He finally lets loose on the creation He created.

I know I'm going to say "Holy S___!"....

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May 21Liked by Dean Henderson

They are culling with the jab but then the majority are not praising God so why would He save

So He is left to watch the sinners, the hard of heart fall.

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May 21Liked by Dean Henderson

I think he wants his remnant to bring in as many of the hard-hearted as possible. His character for mercy.

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May 21Liked by Dean Henderson

God sent His Son 2024 years ago and where is the praising?

A lot of evidence of a sinful race of peoples

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