John F. Kennedy vs. The Empire - The real reasons why JFK was assassinated, and how we defeat the perpetrators today.


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The Coup, Then and Now--"The Enemies of Humanity Try to Give Trump the JFK Treatment"


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Are the British Plotting to Assassinate Trump?

LaRouchePac.com authors Robert Ingraham and Barbara Boyd have written a five-part series titled, “It is the British Who Murder Our Presidents.” President Trump’s “America First” Agenda 47 policy proposals are an existential threat to the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy and their centuries-long quest for a One-World Global British Empire. Robert Ingraham and Barbara Boyd present the historical evidence that shows the British Oligarchy will resort to assassinating anyone who threatens the continuity of the British Empire.

President Trump is that threat today!


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Aug 5Liked by Dean Henderson

Kennedy knew full well that he had been marked for death by the "ruthless & monolithic conspiracy" I visited his grave last wk. I wondered where the original grave was but no "officials" at Arlington knew, or for that matter seemed to know his coffin had been re interred(1967) I've looked through the internet but there is barely a mention. Perhaps for good reason. People might get culty but with all their illuminati tricks it still has me concerned. I learned that there was a military operation in? 1966? that drilled holes in the Dallas coffin , then filled it w cement i think & dropped in ocean off NEW HAMPSHIRE

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Aug 5Liked by Dean Henderson

Many years ago I worked briefly (as a lowly draftsman) for a company that made explosive components, bolt cutters and the like. for military applications. The founder was friendly then with Robert Vesco. His name as I recall was Stickling.

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Aug 6Liked by Dean Henderson

What a great read

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Thanks Jim!

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Aug 5Liked by Dean Henderson

I'm a 33° Mason. We are accepting new apprentice candidates. Great stack 👌

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

Thanks for the restacks Raphael, Marie, Tracy, Jana, Ray, Marianne, Spek, Mike, Davi & Leslie!

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November 22

11 + 22

33 Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite

of Freemasonry

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I knew of the silver certificates issued by Kennedy as a reason. Do we discount nuclear weapons to Israel?

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